Friday, June 20, 2008

An October surprise?

There are those who believe that come October, the prezident and his neocon friends have a surprise planned for the people of the United States - an attack on the sovereign nation of Iran!

Ray McGovern writing for Consortium News, suggests that such an attack is coming, at some point in the near future. There won't be much in the way of a warning, just "boom!"

"This time," says McGovern, "it will be largely the Air Force's show, punctuated by missile and air strikes by the Navy. Israeli-American agreement has now been reached at the highest level; the armed forces planners, plotters and pilots are working out the details."

McGovern refers to a statement by Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, issued as he came out of an hour and a half meeting with President Bush on June 4:

"We reached agreement on the need to take care of the Iranian threat. I left with a lot less question marks [than] I had entered with regarding the means, the timetable restrictions, and American resoluteness to deal with the problem. George Bush understands the severity of the Iranian threat and the need to vanquish it, and intends to act on that matter before the end of his time in the White House."

Cheney has pushed for air strikes against Iran for some time, and while his efforts have so far been unsuccessful, he continues to beat the drums for war. And it is reported that Cheney and his friends control the flow of information to the White House.

McGovern asks the hypothetical question as to whether Bush is unaware of the possible ramifications of war with Iran. And he says,

"Well, this is a president who admits he does not read newspapers, but rather depends on his staff to keep him informed. And the memos Cheney does brief to Bush pooh-pooh the dangers."

The bad news is that "Iran can retaliate in a number of dangerous ways, launching a war for which our forces are ill-prepared."

It appears the only way to stop Bush is through the process of impeachment. "Senior officers trying to slow the juggernaut lumbering along toward an attack on Iran have been scandalized watching what can only be described as unconscionable dereliction of duty in the House of Representatives, which the Constitution charges with the duty of impeaching a president, vice president or other senior official charged with high crimes and misdemeanors."

The data is there. Dennis Kucinich has laid it out for the world to see. Congress is out to lunch.

Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran. What hell hath Bush and company wrought?

Please read Mr. McGovern's article here. Another article which conveys the scope of Cheney's duplicity is here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do not think that an act of Impeachment can stop a {Presidnet in so short a time period. Bush can do as he wants unless there is some mechanism that prevent a the Commander in Chief from acting. So far Bush has ignored the checks and balances and got away with it. I see no way to stop him from launching another war if he wishes.
Our Congress abdicated a long time ago and it is too late to change it overnight.
So far, I have seen little media attention to the attempts to start impeachment proceedings. Congress will go on vacation soon and ignore many problems until after November and not much can be done about that either.
I hope I am wrong. If so, tell me about it.
Bob Poris.

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