Much is being written lately lamenting the fact that the American people are just plain dumb and getting dumber. For proof, if you need proof, consider the fact they elected George W. Bush not just once, but twice!
Anti-intellectualism has reared its ugly head and been crowned with glory. For proof, if you need proof, consider the fact that Sarah Palin, who is dumber than the wolves she shoots from helicopters, was actually nominated by the Republicans to run for vice-president on a ticket headed by a 72-year old cancer survivor who doesn't know the difference between Sunni and Shiite Muslims.
Recently people in the know have complained that it is this anti-intellectualism, this dumbing down of America which has left most Americans just plain stupid when it comes to science and susceptible to the claims of biblical hucksters like Ken Ham who promote the notion the earth is a mere 6,000 years old, and do so in the face of overwhelming and irrefutable evidence that such a belief is a crock of religious shit!
Thus, a goodly percentage of our population refuses to accept the fact of evolution thinking that it's only a "theory," not having a freaking clue what the word "theory" means in scientific terms. A theory for these dumbnuts is when ol' Clem, after about six beers down at the Goodnite Saloon, says he thinks there really are little green men on the moon. Well, hell, anyone kin have a theory about thet stuff. Some folks got a theory those little green men were really blue! Don't mean nuttin!
What our scientific ignorance, perpetuated by ignoramuses at the highest levels of our government, has accomplished is to put us behind by about 20 years when it comes to effectively dealing with climate change and global warming. And that's just one example. We don't even know how much farther along we might be in terms of effectively treating certain diseases because our government ignoramuses, operating from religious and not scientific principles, cut off funding for stem-cell research!
The State of Texas, though, is a special place crawling with dumbnuts and wingnuts and christianist creatures of various mutations, and is creating generations of dumbnuts as year after year, Texas children stumble through Texas schools and out into the world where they find out they're just too goddamn dumb to do anything except be governor of Texas or president of the United States!
We've written before about the dentist from College Station, Don McLeroy, a christianist wingnut and evolution-denier, who was the chairman of the Texas State Board of Education.
He was bad enough.
McLeroy left for some reason. So Texas dumbnut governor Perry appointed another christianist wingnut to chair the Texas SBOE, one Gail Lowe. To give you an idea of what Texas children are up against, of the 15 members on the SBOE, chances are 7 or even 9 will vote as christianist fundamentalist creationists.
"Yes, teacher. I understand. Jonah was swallowed by a big fish and lived in that fish for a whole bunch of days."
"Yes, teacher, I will write down in my notes that the Christian God created everything that exists in six days, 6000 years ago, and anyone who says differently is an evil, satan-loving, god-hating, jesus-killing, atheistic, bible-destroying, rotten, no-good librul."
Much of this info comes form rackjite.com in Dumbutt, Texas. And, having lived in Texas for many years, and having great affection for the state and some of its people, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm still mightily pissed that Texas passed off their adopted moronic son, G. W. Bush, to the rest of the country as if he had a brain, when everyone in Texas should have known that wasn't the case!
Anyway, rackjite.com tells us that Texas just last week pulled Health Education from "the required list for Public School courses. Texas with the highest rate of child obesity, and close to the highest rates of teen pregnancies and STDs will no longer require students to learn how best to eat and how best to not get HIV and pregnant."
Then consider Gail Lowe: "She rejects the science of Global Warming and Climate Change, she will not tolerate gay friendly books in public school libraries and of course she not only believes that the Earth is 6000 years old and men live in gigantic fishes at the bottom of the sea, but wants to teach that to children in Texas Public Schools."
Finally, from Dumbutt, Texas this horrible news:
"Keepin in tune with an educational system of ever duller knives and larger guns we learn today that this same body [The State Board of Education] controlled by the Texas Taliban is planning on reducing or removing from Texas textbooks content about
Abraham Lincoln (
Yankee war criminal),
Ceaser (sic) Chavez (
Hispanic community activist) and Supreme Court Justice
Thurgood Marshall (
Black attorney who won Brown v. Education which struck down segregation in public schools). ...
"This all in the face of an ever increasing Hispanic and Black populace. So say two of the six experts assigned to this project which includes
Peter Marshall of Marshall Ministries - a Texas Preacher aligned with the Christian Constructionist movement which strives to REPLACE The Constitution with the Bible. ..."
Better start prayin', y'all!