Sunday, June 15, 2008

McCain the liar

Robert Parry from Consortium News tells how McBush is a liar in an article titled "John McCain Makes Stuff Up."

Parry tells how McCain has taken a page from the Bush book, "saying what's useful at the time even if it's not true and then counting on the U.S. press corps to timidly look the other way."

For example, McCain, in a political speech in Philadelphia a while back said "that Obama had described 'bitter' small-town voters as clinging to religion or 'the Constitution' - when the second item in Obama's comment actually was 'guns.'

McCain pressed the lie. He went on to say that he, John McCain, would tell these "small-town voters" that "they have trust and support [in] the Constitution of the United States because they have optimism and hope. ... That's what American's all about."

As Parry says, McCain did not "misstate" something, he deliberately "accused Obama of disparaging the U.S. Constitution," which, of course, "if true, might cause millions of Americans to reject Obama's candidacy."

Hey, if you're a Republican, you'll win any way you can, even if it means lying and cheating!

When The New York Times printed a story about McCain and his relationship with lobbyist Vicki Iseman, noting that McCain had done "favors on behalf of Iseman's lobbying clients, including two letters that McCain wrote in 1999 to the Federal Communications Commission demanding that it act on a long-delayed request by Iseman's client, Florida-based Paxson Communications, to buy a Pittsburgh television station," McCain flatly denied it.

McCain not only denied any hanky-panky between he and Iseman traveling around the country on a private jet, but had the gall to say he "has never violated the public trust, never done favors for special interests or lobbyists."

That is a humongous lie! The Keating Scandal is perhaps the most egregious example of McCain's "violating the public trust!" McCain, however, somehow survived that scandal with only a Senate reprimand while three other senators found their careers ruined.

McCain also lied through his teeth with regard to his contact with Mr. Paxson. And then, in a 2002 deposition, he said "I do not recall" whether or not Iseman was on board the private jet on one flight from Florida! Right!

John McCain has flip-flopped on numerous issues while maintaining the facade of a straight-talker. But if there is one thing we have learned for certain thus far into the presidential campaign is that John McCain's "straight-talk" express has derailed. John McCain is a liar.

Please read all of Mr. Parry's article here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

By now we know the he has feet of clay! I suspect we will get some swift boat stuff to prove that Obama is actually Saddam's son or something.
I hope it doesn;t get down to that but will not be surprised at anything in today's politics.
Bob Poris

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