Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Ten years, ten months - Charlie Crist caves to ambition

Republicans believe that if you want to be president, you must cave in to the special interests -- especially the oil interests -- at the expense of the well-being of the American people. Republicans who want to be vice president feel the same way.

Charlie Crist, the so-called "moderate" governor of Florida, has caved! He wants to be McCain's vice presidential candidate! Today, he reversed his long-held position against drilling for oil off the Florida coastline. He has opposed such drilling because, as he said, just one minor accident could literally wipe out the Florida tourism industry and without the tourism industry, Florida is a bump in the ocean heading south.

The really funny thing is that Crist claims he's flip-flopped alongside the flip-flop of his "hero," McBush because "Floridians are suffering."

Charlie Crist is no dummy. He has always been on the extreme right of things in Florida, though in the last election cycle he pretended moderacy, but he is not precipitous. He operates in a calculated and measured manner. The only possible reason for his change of heart is that his common sense was overcome with lust for the VP spot! Hopefully, this flip-flop will create a backlash that will demolish his pretense of "righteousness."

So Charlie knows that drilling for oil means a degradation of our environment and the waters off the coast of Florida. It puts Florida in serious jeopardy. Accidents happen, they say, and with oil wells, oil platforms, oil tankers, they happen all the time. I used to live near the Texas gulf coast and it was a rare day that you could go to the beach without stepping in balls of tar or finding your bathing suit decorated with black tar, or sometimes even discovering the joy of tarry goo in your hair! All that being one of the benefits of drilling offshore! (And try to remove that stuff!)

But Charlie's concern about the suffering of Floridians is a sham.

He knows full well that if drilling started today, it would be a minimum of ten years before we'd see a drop of refined oil to keep our Envoys tearing up the freeways.

Then, we'd have ten months before all of our oil ran out.

Isn't that a great deal: Ten years of drilling and spilling, and ten months of oil?

Do not, and I repeat, do not believe the Republican scammers!

Read what the Miami Herald has to say here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Flip flopping is common, as is faulty reasoning. Oil is not the answer. Alternatives must be the answer and that should be where we are going to get rid of dependence on oil.
We should do what other oil producing nations are doing NOW. Let’s stop shipping any oil any where as long as we need oil inside the USA. Only our surplus should be allowed to go anywhere. That could probably be done by government declarations or under some available decrees. We have oil available. I thought it was a lack of refining capacity. If we have wells that are capped, let us remove the caps NOW, before we go looking for oil that will take years to develop. First things first seem to be more logical and practical. It might also create jobs here!
Does anyone know the real answers? I am not knowledgeable re oil.
Bob Poris

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