Monday, June 16, 2008

Obama stopped to help

George W. Bush and John McCain, so far as I know, have not visited the flooded Midwest. Too busy, I suppose - Bush trying to get everyone to go along with his plans to bomb, bomb Iran, and McCain trying to figure out what he said yesterday so he knows what to say today.

Well, McCain did say something. He issued a statement. It was full of concern for the people with homes flooded or floating down the Mississippi:

"Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those impacted by the flooding throughout the Midwest. Cindy and I would like to extend our sympathies to all those who have lost loved ones, and stand ready to help those in the Midwest to recover and rebuild."

Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. McCain, as your love and warmth are obviously deriving from the bottom of your true Republican hearts. Your "standing ready" is readily appreciated.

Barack Obama, so far as I know, did not issue a statement. Instead, he actually went to the Midwest to see what the hell was going on. See for yourself here. Not only so, but while in Quincy, Illinois northwest of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, he stopped to help volunteers fill sandbags.

Now, you can claim that was political posturing, but because you can't prove that, you would be bearing false witness against your fellow human being.

And he was, in fact, THERE! And his sleeves were rolled up. And he did shovel sand. All of which is unlike anything we've seen in the past seven and one half years!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are being too harsh on the Republicans. They are still telling us that New Orleans will survive and grow. They are still promising aid. They are trying to get their act together and ask the people of the area to be patient. Didn’t they get rid of all the material things that were either outdated or ruined by the water? Didn’t they listen to the people and get rid of all those trailers rotting with mold? Didn’t they get rid of Brown because he was incompetent?
What more do you want from the government? Give them time. They feel for those that are suffering due to Katrina. Rome wasn’t rebuilt in a day, after all. Give them some time.
Bob Poris

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