Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Circumcision is a joy, says baby

In recent years, circumcision has become somewhat controversial among certain Jewish people. Groups against circumcision have established themselves to provide information and support for those Jews who refuse to accede to this ancient custom. In fact, more and more Jews are deciding to forgo that little ceremony for junior on his 8th day.

A gentleman by name of Jeremy Kuper has written an article, "To snip or not to snip," which argues in favor of circumcision. He decided to put his son, Little Jesse, through the procedure and says there is "no indication that anything bad happened to him on the day that he lost his foreskin."

Hmm. What was a kid, 8 days old, supposed to say? "Hey, dad, I don't think this is such a good idea. It hurts like hell. Get that old fart away from my penis? or maybe, "Circumcision is a joy."

Kuper goes through all the pros and cons and comes out a pro. Most Jews continue the practice to this day, but not all. And down through history, there have been a number of Jewish groups that refused circumcision for one reason or another.

When all is said and done, there is no medical benefit in circumcision and no medical benefit in not being circumcised.

Some uninformed souls equate male circumcision with female circumcision, which Kuper says is not proper. Female circumcision is a "horrible practice ... now largely banned." Then he quotes a doctor Toubia who argues "that the term female circumcision 'implies a falacious analogy to non-mutilating male circumcision.'"

Wait just a minute. Male circumcision is non-mutilating? Cutting off the foreskin is not a mutilation? Please! It sure as hell is!

The other place I take issue with Mr. Kuper is this statement:

"You can't argue with a practice that has been around longer than England, and Christianity." I think he was trying to be funny, but whatever, that is truly a stupid sentence. What he is saying is that if something has been around longer than there has been an England or before the inception of Christianity, it is beyond reproach.

I don't think so. And he probably doesn't either. His editor should have caught that.

One final note: Before you cut off a male's foreskin, get his permission - Jewish or not.

For more information, click here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Circumcision has been around for many centuries and is practiced by Jews, Muslims, Christians many African tribes and some primitive peoples and others routinely. There has been a running argument as to is it or is it not healthier or not. There seems to be cycles in the answer to that question. Apparently the jury is still out and it becomes a question of personal preference for those not bund by their religion. As an adult male, I assume it is painful but have read that perfuming the operation on the eighth day is somehow not painful. Many Muslims and many tribes wait until a boy is approaching puberty and it becomes a test of some kind. Adults that have had it done for a variety of reasons have told me that the recovery period is painful or uncomfortable under some circumstances. We have not received answers from babies so can only guess. Apparently women whose sexual partners are circumcised seem to have fewer diseases but I do not know the number of respondents and am not a scientist. Those that believe in Intelligent Design will have to accept that God mandated it for Jews for a reason. If it was only to identify Jews, He could have demanded a tattoo or the removal of an ear lobe. My sons were circumcised and so far all my grandsons were too, including those whose father is a Catholic doctor, so I believe he thought it was a good idea. I doubt if circumcision is any more aesthetic than those left with a foreskin. I also suspect that some of the hostility has to do with anti Semitism and anti Muslim as are the attempts to stop the prcatice of kosher butchering of animals shared by both those religion. I think if it was good enough for Moses, Jesus and Mohammed it might be good enough for others.
Bob Poris

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