Monday, March 9, 2009

Embryonic stem cell funding reversal

Oh boy, the Xtian right wingnuts are really, really mad! Yessiree! That socialist, godless, nogood Commie Obama is going to reverse the ban on government funding of embryonic stem cell research!

Now, you just know that God is tearing off his wings up there in heaven at this brazen attempt to play himself! Jesus and the Holy Spirit are so angry they're thinking about making Satan the patron of the Democratic Party instead of the Republican Party!

And it's not only the Xtian right wingnuts that got their shorts in knots. It's the crippled rabble who make up the Repugnican congressional leadership, too!

Omigod, whined Repug whip of the House, Rep. Eric Cantor: "Why are we going and distracting ourselves from the economy?" he cried. "This is job No. 1. Let's focus on what needs to be done."

Heh. Heh. And all the people laughed their asses off! Repugnicans "focusing" on what needs to be done? That's why every single one of the damn nogoodniks voted against Obama's plan to help the economy. They "focused" all right; they "focused" the whole damn country!

What Cantor is really focused on is "embryo harvesting" and "human cloning." He's worried about big, bad Uncle Sam: "Frankly, federal funding of embryonic stem-cell research can bring on embryo harvesting, perhaps even human cloning that occurs. We don't want that. That shouldn't be done. That's wrong."

Hmmm. Sure wouldn't want to clone any Repugnicans! He's right about that!

But Cantor and the rest of the dim bulb Repugs in Congress stand alone with the religious goofballs on the right.

Meanwhile, Dr. Harold Varmus, who co-chairs Obama's science advisory council and is president of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, speaking for common sense and reasonable people everywhere, said that the Obama administration is endorsing "the notion that public policy must be guided by sound, scientific advice."

But why? whines Cantor. We've got God, the Vatican, Limbaargh and the GOP to tell us what is right, wrong and inbetween!

Yeah for Obama!

h/t to The Raw Story


Anonymous said...

What I found funny was the bit about us getting distracted.
The entire overturn involved signing a document. DONE!
I suppose the GOP has just gotten used to worshiping a man who couldn't manage to sign his name while also, y'know, working on other issues.
Like deciding what to have for dinner.

Lowell said...

Hey Moleboy! Yup. Cantor and his nogoodnik friends are easily distracted. Just the noise of a pen scratching across a piece of legislation designed to help people and not screw people drives them even crazier than they are!

I'm not sure Bush ever decided what to have to dinner...Laura said one of the things she was going to miss terribly was having her own personal chef.

George always said, "Gimme a Bud light!"

One Fly said...

From Obama today-

"It is about ensuring that scientific data is never distorted or concealed to serve a political agenda and that we make scientific decisions based on facts, not ideology.”

That was a severe ass kicking and yes they are pissed.

Anonymous said...

I thought Cantor was Jewish, so why would he follow the fundamentalist Christians and the Pope? I could be wrong of course. I think he is a bad guy, no matter what he is. He’s another Newt but I do not know how smart he is. He is a rabble rouser though.

Those that do not want the stem cells research can opt out of any useful discoveries; just as they can refuse birth control, abortion, etc. They are not forced to follow those that believe differently. We have religions that do not use doctors; others do not accept blood transfusions, etc. They are free to put their faith in God as are those that disagree with them but believe God is allowing free will to explore and discover new things. Some religious scientists believe God is guiding them in their research. How do the wing nuts know what God agrees with and what He doesn’t?

Lowell said...

Bob, Cantor is Jewish. But these days, it seems wingnuttery trumps just about everything.

Fifty years ago, Protestant fundamentalists wouldn't even talk to Roman Catholics. The Catholic church across the street from my house was off-limits, taboo. We were told all kinds of terrible tales about the drinking and bad things that went on. The priests were shadowy figures who hunkered through the streets in the black dresses. The nuns were fierce and fearful.

[Some of that, it turns out, was probably right!]

Today, the Christianist fundies and the Papists are walking hand in hand to Glory Land.

I guess Cantor joined the band.

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