Monday, March 9, 2009

Alec Baldwin on the GOP and Limbaugh

A couple of days ago, the actor Alec Baldwin, offered a few thoughts regarding the political situation in this country, referencing the GOP and Rush Limbaugh in particular. While I don't agree with everything he said, in particular his praise of "real Republicans," which he thinks are represented by the ideas of Barry Goldwater, he does make several comments which are right on target.

For example: "Rush Limbaugh is an uneducated, marginally talented, overbearing, recovering drug addict who was, at least according to Wikipedia, ineligible for the draft because he had cysts on his ass."

I wonder if that's a typo, and the word "ass," was mistakenly substituted for "brain"?

Baldwin's "real Republican" friends "(not hypocritical evangelicals who are too lazy to raise their own children properly so, therefore, insist that all public institutions and policies bend to their will to make that job easier) do not listen to Limbaugh. They don't care what he says." ...

"Until Limbaugh gets real, weans himself off the big salary and runs for office, he will always be nothing more than a poorly educated, marginally talented buffoon who has developed a real talent for manipulating the G-spot of the neocon consciousness and massaging the hate gland of so many economically displaced white voters in America.

"I hope to God the GOP gets its act together soon and finds a real leader for their Party. Rush Limbaugh as the spokesperson for the GOP? 2010, I can't wait."

Methinks maybe Baldwin's concern is too late. Rush Limbaargh seems to have already been chosen as the de facto leader of the Repugnicans!

You can read Baldwin's entire rant here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It doesn’t matter as Rush’s loyal ditto heads love him and believe he is the savior of democracy. They vote for people that do not have their best interests at heart and then blame the Democrats, the Liberals, the commies, the socialists, the minorities, the illegal immigrants etc for all their problems re jobs, the economy, freedom of religion, etc. They seek easy answers and paint everything with a wide brush.

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