Friday, March 13, 2009

The sky is really falling

Believe it or not.

It's not just Al Gore. It's not a few "libural" kooks. It's the huge majority of scientists worldwide!

And they are saying in unison we are in deep caca! " warming is accelerating beyond their wildest dreams (nightmares) and threatening to trigger 'irreversible' climate shifts on the planet."

Oh, is that all? Just the other day I read of one moron who, because they had experienced cold weather in one particular area, said "Al Gore is full of shit."

Actually, no. The moron who wrote that is full of shit.

It's like a wagon you send off down a long, steep hill. At first it goes slowly, but then picks up speed and pretty soon it's out of control.

That's where we are with regard to climate change. But it's not like nobody told us. We've known this for years. Bush and his friends decided they didn't like that news, and so ignored it and even rewrote climate and environmental reports to make the news more compatible with their prejudices - religious and otherwise. And they did NOTHING to address the issue which is now threatening the entire planet with "IRREVERSIBLE CLIMATE SHIFTS."

In Copenhagen, some 2000 climate scientists gathered to discuss the problem. Now they are yelling at the top of their voices to DO SOMETHING. Policy-makers, they said, must "'vigorously' implement the economic and technological tools available to cut emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases."

This is no longer a matter of "let's wait and see what happens," or "Al Gore is full of shit." The shit has hit the fan and we're all gonna get splattered!

The scientists wrote that "The worst-case IPCC scenario trajectories (or even worse) are being realized. There is a significant risk that many of the trends will accelerate, leading to an increasing risk of abrupt or irreversible climatic shifts."

Did you get that? "...or even worse..."!

By the end of the century, these scientists are predicting sea levels to rise by 7 to 23 inches. That would inundate many low-lying coastal areas around the world and millions of people would have to flee to higher ground!

It would appear that this prediction is too optimistic. We have reported previously that at the present time, parts of downtown Miami are underwater NOW at high tide.

Wait, I'm not done! Where are you going? To the Hummer dealer? They've got great deals on new Hummers?

But...but...the sky really is falling...Hello?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess some will wait too long and then blame it on Al Gore for not doing enough to warn us.

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