Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Obama can do two things at once, even if Eric Cantor can't

A couple of days ago, we posted an article about the House Minority Whip, Repugnican Eric Cantor, who complained bitterly that Obama should not be messing with things like stem-cell research, but focusing on the economy. The economy was the big issue, the No. 1 issue, opined the whiny Mr. Cantor.

That's why Steve Benen's article on what Mr. Cantor has been up to is so hilarious! While Mr. Cantor speaketh thusly: "Let's take care of business first," he's been up to his nogoodnik tricks. Which is typical, of course, of Repugnican politicos, who say one thing and do another.

For example. In the last few months, Mr. Cantor jumped ship with regard to taking care of business. He co-sponsored the following legislation:

1. H. Res. 204, which congratulated "the American Dental Association for its 150th year of working to improve the public's oral health and promoting dentistry.

2. H. Res. 18: This was a bill to honor "the life, achievements and contributions of Paul Newman.

3. H.R. 997: In this case, Cantor wanted to make "English the official language of the United States."

4. H.R. 836: Mr. Cantor must love his beer. This particular piece of legislative goofiness would "amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to reduce the tax on beer to its pre-1991 level, and for other purposes."

Heh. Heh. Nothing like "focusing on the economy," right Eric?

Steve Benen's article is here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another whining, coward. This is the guy that originally voted against Paulson’s stimulus package because, as he put it. Nancy Pelosi was mean to the Republicans. That was his reason he stated as he whined and grinned before the TV cameras. Thank God, he never served in any branch of any service. He sounds like he would have run if the enemy shouted at him. What a wimp!

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