Friday, March 13, 2009

The ungodly mission of GOD? TV

Every year, evidently on two occasions, GOD TV does something they call "Missions Week."

You can guess what that's all about. Yup. Converting all the pagans in heathen lands to fundymentalist Christianity! Ain't it wonderful?

Missions Week is hosted by none other than GOD TV founders, Rory and Wendy Alec (see photo)...and beginning March 17, Missions Week will provide you with numerous opportunities to empty your pockets into the pockets of the money-grubbing, phony religious charlatans that reside mostly on your TV sets when they're not flying about in their several private jet aircraft.

For example, for a whole week, you'll be treated to the imprecations of such hucksters as Benny Hinn, Rod Parsley, and Matthew Ashimolowo (whoever the hell that is!)...they're going to bring messages of inspiration -- they'll inspire you to fill their coffers once more so they can fly off to foreign lands and bring Jesus to the poor folks destined to spend eternity in hell because God loves them so much he gave his only begotten son, who was/is himself and the Holy Ghost, to die on a cross; but God cannot die so what really happened? Ah, 'tis a mystery for sure!

Africa is going to be one "focus" of Missions Week. Why Africa? There is probably no continent more soaked in religion than Africa, and as a result there is no continent more soaked in violence and blood! The last thing Africa needs is more religious folks spreading their own delusionary visions!

These GOD TV people are truly deluded. Here are a couple of examples:

"Missions Week is a time when the global GOD TV family comes together to extend the Kingdom of God to the nations - a time when millions are seeking God so that millions more will come to know Him..." Huh? What does that mean?

Whatever. Give your money and connect with GOD TV "as we reach out to transform lives." Hah! The only thing they're gonna transform is your pocketbook - from full to empty. I've heard Benny Hinn needs some new $2,000 suits and one of his jets is looking a bit shabby! And what can you say about John Hagee other than it takes a lot of money to keep him fed!

I know, I'm being snarky and nasty.

But GOD TV says that "The world is hurting, and it is only the Body of Christ who can offer any real hope. God has called us all as believers for this time and season and He has blessed and equipped us for His plans and purposes! And His plan is a plan to bring hope to the hopeless. Financial crisis around the world means an unprecedented opportunity for media evangelism."

Isn't that just something? Wow! God planned this whole damn crisis to "bring hope to the hopeless," so that GOD TV could have "an unprecedented opportunity for media evangelism.! Amazing!

What a bunch of garbage. Isn't it against the law to raise money under false pretenses? And I wonder if this nutty outfit is tax-exempt? Can't be, right?


Anonymous said...

I think they are tax exempt. Wouldn’t it be better to send food and medical supplies directly and not involve God? He might have better things to do than stop to deliver money to these people. Maybe He could stop the violence, diseases and starvation with a wave of his hand or a blink of an eye.

Lowell said...

Ah, Bob, Bob, Bob. Don't you understand? These good folks need jobs, and big houses, and jet aircraft, and stuff.

And it seems God ain't much interested in helping directly - so he uses con artists to do his work.

And they mostly get on TV and beg for money.

And finally, as you should know, being as smart as you are, God is a spirit and doesn't have a hand or an eye.

Hey, maybe that's why he can't do anything for anybody in need on earth?

You think?

darklight1963 said...

Completely agree with this blog!!!

I have compsed a blog to accompany this with inside knowledge of this protection racket. I have been involved with this crowd for over 20 years and can tell you tales.

Lowell said...

Thanks, darklight! As I wrote to you on your blog, I agree completely with your blog.

What the hell, we must be geniuses!

darklight1963 said...

Thanks Jacob...I have been in there and seen it. The truth is out there...somewhere! I am in the process of writing about my experiences in this movement which will be online in the next few months. Something has to be said before people really really do get hurt.

Lowell said...

Please let me know when your opus is online...I definitely want to read it. I've read "Godless" by Dan Barker just recently. Powerful. Best wishes.

darklight1963 said...

Thanks once again Jacob. As soon as it's ready I will let you know. I just want to point out that what I am saying is not anti-god. Call me stupid, but I still have a belief in him but I have lost faith in those that have the absoute arrogance to call themselves his church. These people are destroying everything that the good book stood for (mainly being selfless and helping others in need). Now it is all about phoney miracles (believe me I have done it myself) and the drive to raise money for pizza dream projects that are attached to the ego's of these prominent leaders of the "church". Another part of the story I will tell is about the so called "signs and wonders"and how easy it is to get people to beielve it is happeneing. I have given thousands of pounds, my time, my very self to these people and ended up divorced and almost homeless. nuff said!

Gordon said...

God TV in the UK is not regulated by the broadcasting regulator OFCOM (who would not permit their type of fundraising) BUT they get funding from the government through Gift Aid. It could be as much as a million pounds a year going to them from the taxpayer. I wrote an article about it here:

How the British tax payers is funding Televangelists

Lowell said...

@ Gordon: That is just damn sick! What is it with these wingnut creeps that they have to suck on the country's teat?

Anonymous said...

Missions "week" is not a week--it goes on and on for SEVERAL weeks and happens about ever couple of months. I happen to LIKE God TV - not all who are on that channel are charlatans nor do all dress weird - I have been blessed by many of the speakers. However, when it's Missions "week" I change the channel. Therefore I haven't watched it in a very long time! Yes, donations are required to stay in business, but when it goes this long and they call it a "week," I have to wonder. Sorry God TV, you're making me nervous.

VIJAYDAS said...


Deepwinter said...

God TV is shameless and Disgusting preying on peoples faith , to extract money,

With this nonsense about seed gifts , and the bigger the seed the bigger the miracle,
yea how bloody convenient for them, and what absolute nonsense and lies,

Ryan said...

As a Christian myself, I too have thought of the intentions of God TV and similar channels.

When I watch Missions Week, I always have the feeling something isn't right.

I do agree, I don't believe for a second that God wants his missionaries jetting off on word tours on money that was donated from the hearts of many.

After all, Paul didn't use the finest boats anf the finest clothes did he?

Also, did Jesus not say to the rich young man "sell your possessions and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven"? Matt 19:21.

The founders of God TV, have far better clothes Paul, Jesus, John the baptist ever had.

Anonymous said...

I think that if Paul was around he would love an opportunity to spread the Gosepl on a channel that could reach the world, Would have made spreading the gospel faster and better...I mean we have billions of people to reach! God tv is trying to reach billions of people with the Gospel and logically it makes sense that broadcasting does not come cheap so they would need money to accomplish their goals.

God tv sponsors orphanages, gives to the poor, prays for our government why aren't those things mentioned here. I have been blessed by their programmes. I guess the ones who find it hard to give change the channel very quickly. Giving is proof that you have conquered greed. Dont hate, lets just Love.

Bob Poris said...

If it works for Anonymous, he or she should continue to pray. So far many horrible things continue to happen to many innocent people all over the world. I am told it is God’s Plan. If that is so, God will do what He or She thinks best regardless of my prayers. There are many Holy Books representing many religions. Many kill those that do not agree with them. If that too is part of God’s Plan, my prayers will not change God’s Plans. God created all people, etc. If God is all powerful and has plans, we will not deter him or her from performing whatever.

So far many evil people have spoken out claiming God spoke to them. Somehow their predictions have not worked out, so we will never know if they were telling the truth. Pedophile Priests were not doing God’s work or were they?

We simply do not know.

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