Sunday, March 8, 2009

Bachmann is back again (and again, and again, and again)

When I lived there, I thought some people in Minnesota had good sense. I knew, though, that a bunch of them were yokels with pea-sized brains. I was right and it was the latter that elected Michelle Bachmann to Congress the first time and then did the same damn idiotic thing again!

Anyway, she's back, and according to Think Progress was talking with another right wingnut, Bill Bennett on his radio show and Bennett asked Bachmann why Obama was siding with the "liberal House Democrats rather than the more moderate [members]?" Bennett, a gambling addict (but he loves Jesus, so that's OK), answered his own question by saying that Obama was the "most liberal member of the Senate."

Bachmann mumbled her assent, "but added that she believes Republicans should 'thwart' as much of Obama's agenda as possible, specifically citing what she called 'socialized medicine' and the 'new tax on energy.':

"'If you want to look at economic history over the past 100 years. I call it punctuated equilibrium. If you look at FDR, LBJ, and Barack Obama, this is really the final leap to socialism. ... But we all know that we could turn this around and we can turn this around fairly quickly. We're still a free country.

'And as the Democrats are about to institutionalize cartels -- that's when they're very good at -- they're trying to consolidate power, so we need to do everything we can to thwart them at every turn to make sure that they aren't able to, for all time, secure a power base that for all time can never be defeated.'"

"Punctuated equilibrium?" Heh. Heh.

Now there are some very dim bulbs burning in the United States House of Representatives, but Michelle Bachmann still takes us by surprise. Nobody could possibly be that stupid. Nobody could be that deranged.

Well, nobody except Michelle, who spouts this stuff with that goofy look that exemplifies her empty head.

But, and here's the problem: She's taking her cues from Limbaugh and Kristol, and McConnell, Boehner and Cantor. She may be a total idiot, but she's simply mouthing what her controllers have told her to say.

If the Repugnicans ever get control of our government again, the great American experiment is over!

The Think Progress article is here.

The video goes back to November, but gives a pretty good indication of just how big a moron is Miss Bachmann.


Anonymous said...

As always, the electorate gets what they voted for. She is another ignoramus, elected by her peers. She represents them and is their spokesperson. We need a better educated electorate that can articulate legitimate differences and find enough common ground to properly legislate. Otherwise we will continue to get a rubber stamp Congress and a dictatorial executive branch. We just went thru eight years of that and have a mess on our hands. The Democrats need Republican votes to pass any legislation, so we will have gridlock again if the goal is to stop any change. Many of us will go broke while we wait for change. Our representatives are paid very well, have many perks and great retirement packages. They can afford to play games while we wait to see improvement. Meanwhile we still fight two wars and get deeper into debt.

Politics as usual will not help us, neither will idiots in Congress.

Distributorcap said...

bachmann is about the stupideste and most deranged member of the house -- she makes people like Boner look sane. as for socialized medicine - lets take away Michelle's govtsupplied socialized health care

there are words i want to use, but wont

Lowell said...

I'm all for it - taking away Bachmann's socialized medical benefits. But I think we need to carry this to it's logical conclusion: let's do away with the medical benefits of all members of Congress, and their staff, and anyone working for the federal government, until they pass a decent universal health care plan!

Why should they get socialized medicine and the rest of us get shit?

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