Saturday, September 6, 2008

Palin to hide out in the tundra

[Photo from]

Well, I don't know if she'll actually hide in the tundra, but she is going to hide - from the press, mainly. That's unusual, as for the last few years, the press has given the Republicans just about every talking point they made - without question. Lately, thank god, the MSM has been asking real questions about real issues and some, at least, have even pointed out when the Repugs are lying through their teeth - which is most of the time!

So Sarah's going to hide - somewhere in Alaska. Perhaps at her lake house. Surrounded by guns, no doubt. And kids.

Other than hide, she's supposed to study the Republican playbook. From all I've seen so far, she knows that playbook pretty well: Lie, and then lie some more, and, if criticized, cry "sexism" and show anger at the "elitist" Eastern media who are mostly martini-drinking weenies, anyway.

And never, ever, talk about real issues.
Talk about what kind of coffee you drink in the morning, or how many mooses (sic) you've shot, or how exciting it was when you were named "Miss Wasilla," or how you "sold" a plane on eBay, or the massive amount of executive experience you gained while mayor of a piddly-ass little town of 5,000 people. Or maybe you could talk about that SOB who married your sister.

I've got an idea! She can talk about the importance of the vice president's job. Oh, that's right. She doesn't know what a vice president does!

I found this at The Daily Dish, Andrew Sullivan's sumptuous fare...

"This is incredible, totally incredible. A vice presidential candidate isn't going to be available to the press for two weeks? Two weeks? In September. We have this total unknown who could be president of the United States next January. And she's in hiding for two weeks. ... She needs to be in front of the press now. The United States and the world cannot have this total unknown foisted on the presidency without any serious vetting and without any press interaction. This is absolutely third world. Since when is the governor of a state give tow weeks in hiding?"

Has McCain gone totally batshit crazy?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She cannot really hide forever. I am sure she has an explanation for everything that comes out. We might not like it though. We learned everything about the Clintons and there was no hiding from the press or Congress. That is how it works now in politics. We should have learned something over the past 16 years or so.
Bob Poris
She cannot really hide forever. I am sure she has an explanation for everything that comes out. We might not like it though. We learned everything about the Clintons and there was no hiding from the press or Congress. That is how it works now in politics. We should have learned something over the past 16 years or so.
Bob Poris

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