Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Christian Right's war on the Constitution

[Photo of Gary Dull]

Earlier today, I saw a sappy headline on AOL asking the rhetorical question if there was a war on religion going on in this country.

I lost the link, so didn't read the article, but I'm guessing the so-called "war on religion" referred to Obama's reversal of Bush's ban on embryonic stem-cell funding, among other things.

Somehow the religious right wingnuts in this country have arrived at the notion that they are the purveyors and protectors of our national morality and thus have the right to enact their perverted religiosity into law, and that their beliefs should never be questioned, and that if anyone, including the president does something they perceive as against their beliefs, they are being persecuted, and must run about whining and weeping.

The truth is there is NO war on religion. In fact, it is the opposite. The religious freaks among us have been waging war on our Constitution and way of life for years, getting stronger and bolder until they now believe they have some "rights" that the rest of us do not have - rights that allow them to blatantly ignore the Constitution by, for example, insisting religion be taught in science classes (creationism or ID); that prayer be allowed in public schools; that they have the right to post copies of the Ten Commandments in public buildings; that their religious views relative to abortion and contraception be made the law of the land; that their religious views be the determining force when it comes to disallowing discrimination of homosexuals; by pushing the nonsense of a National Day of Prayer, etc.

But there is a ray of hope. New studies indicate that younger "evangelicals" are rejecting the strident negativism and blatant hatred characterized by the Robertson's, Falwell, and Dobson's of the world. Other studies indicate that the number of "godless" in our country is growing rapidly.

So, when a new group forms, like The Faith and Freedom Institute, to combat "satanic wickedness," it is less likely to be accepted at face value and gain the same level of support it might have expected a few years ago.

RightWingWatch tells about this new group, founded by Dr. Gary Dull and other religious nutcases. It is intended to not only combat Satan but also "return America to a foundation of Biblical principles."

A couple of items of interest: God created all that is, according to these folks, so God created Satan. Why would God do that? And if God is all-powerful, why doesn't he just do away with Satan and the problem would be solved? Furthermore, if America needs to "return to a foundation of Biblical principles," it would seem God could arrange that rather neatly by getting word to the president and the members of Congress and tell them exactly how to go about it.

Of course, our nation was not founded on biblical principles, but that's another whole issue which these religious fruitcakes do not understand!

What Dull (boy is that a perfect name for this guy!) and his cohorts believe is that because America has left behind "godly " principles, God hisself is going to use his terrible, swift sword to wreak judgment on our land! Be afraid! Be very afraid!

Here's what dull Dull said: "America was founded with a spiritual basis, but there are those who want to make it a purely secular nation. Because of the rejection of God and His values, we can expect nothing but His judgment. All one needs to do is to read in history and find out how that when a nation forgot God, God forgot the nation."

Hmmm. Which nations forgot God that God forgot?

And Dull, no laggard he, the earthly representative of the God who forgot, said he's forming this institute "to lead America back to the knowledge of God in order to save the nation from the judgment of God."

Now, doesn't that make you feel better.

But, what the hell is he talking about? What are God's values? What is the "knowledge of God?"
Is he talking about killing people for not "observing" the Sabbath. That's one of God's values! Is he talking about God's lust for blood sacrifice? That's one of God's values! Is he talking about how God, who knows everything, even the future, created people with full awareness that they would do bad things and thus created an eternal hell to torture them forever and ever? That's one of God's values!

I guess Dull is worried if he doesn't save the world, he may end up in the hell created by his "loving heavenly father." That's probably the "knowledge" of God he refers to: you've got to be so fearful of God and his wrath, that you'll return to his values.

But then we have the problem of God's values again! Sheesh!

Anyway, Dull is a dummy of extraordinary proportions. He is a religious moron. Here's more of his bullshit:

"Without a doubt, we believe that there is a definite agenda to destroy America that is being empowered by satanic wickedness and enhanced by Godless citizens."

Part of the "definite agenda" is, of course, abortion and same-sex marriages. In fact, Dull says these two things are the reasons behind our economic failure and moral decline!

The problem isn't any of that. The problem has nothing to do with anything Dull says. There is no war on religion. Dull can believe anything he wants and he can preach anything he wants. What he can't do is make his beliefs the law of the land.

And that's what pisses him off.

So, he and others of his ilk, rotten religious rascals who make their living putting the fear of God into the hearts of the faithful, are waging war on the rest of us!

And that's the problem. Dull and the other dullards of the Christian right hate our country and what it stands for. They hate our secular way of life that allows people to believe what they wish or to believe nothing at all. They hate our Constitution which protects the government from the religious fools that are always hanging around on the edges of insanity.

It's too bad we can't send Dull to some patch of sand in the Middle East where he could cozy up to the theocrats running around on camels and beating up people who disobey "God's" laws. He probably be happy there and he could make all of his godly laws the law of his land.

And he wouldn't be around to wage war on America any more!

More on Gary Dull here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It amazes me that the nuts insist that God is helpless and needs their help. This great country did fine for a very long time with a separation of church and state. Most major religions grew, prospered and taught whatever they taught for years. Some people do not agree with the various teachings, which frequently contradict each other. NO One has closed down any churches. NO ONE proposes to do so. People can pray silently anywhere they wish to do so, as Jesus suggested. Churches get tax exemptions while enjoying services that all taxpayers pay for. Clergy are treated with respect generally. The TV religious people are frequently money grubbers that perform political functions rather than minister to the poor, the sick and those in need of help on a personal level. Many are outright thieves, sexually maladjusted misfits,etc. There is no war against religion but there is one to protect many from the accusations and power grabs of self appointed saviors. Organized religions seem to be losing members. That does not mean that people do not believe in God. Polls show large numbers do believe but do not support the organized religions. There is no word from God that gives so many different religious views any imprimatur of God.

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