On February 17, 2000, James Dobson issued a statement in opposition to Gary Bauer's endorsement of then presidential hopeful, John McCain. Here is part of that statement:
"Speaking as a private individual and not as the president of Focus on the Family, Dr. James Dobson expressed disagreement yesterday with former presidential candidate Gary Bauer's endorsement of Senator John McCain as Republican nominee for U.S. President. The Senator has offered no assurances that he intends to appoint a pro-life running mate or pro-life justices to the U.S. Supreme Court. Indeed, he voted for pro-abortion Stephen Breyer and pro-abortion ACLU-activist Ruth Bader Ginsburg for that Court and for David Satcher for Surgeon General, who supports partial-birth-abortion. McCain also voted in support of President Clinton to expand fetal-tissue research.
"Furthermore, McCain has accepted huge contributions from the gambling industry and apparently is comfortable with the proliferation of gambling in American society. He has also accepted large contributions from producers of alcohol. McCain is in favor of combat assignments for women in the military, and has sought and received enormous financial and political support from the Log Cabin Republicans and other homosexual activists. McCain also supports Most Favored Nation status for the brutal regime in China, and voted against our nation's monitoring of Communist Chinese commercial fronts operating in the United States. He seeks to appease the bloated Federal public school bureaucracy and has refused to support vouchers.
"'The Senator,' Dobson said, 'is being touted by the media as a man of principle, yet he was involved with other women while married to his first wife, and was implicated in the so-called Keating scandal with four other senators. He was eventually reprimanded by the Congress for the "appearance of impropriety." The Senator reportedly has a violent temper and can be extremely confrontational and profane when angry. These red flags about Senator McCain's character are reminiscent of the man who now occupies the White House.'"
Ain't it fascinating how some things never change? Mr. Dobson, with whom I almost never agree on anything, said it right re: McCain's character. Now, seeing as how McCain's character is no different in 2008 than it was in 2000, do you think Dobson will see fit to endorse Senator Obama?
Nah...even an adulterous, profane, violent-tempered liar tied to the alcohol industry like McCain is preferable to a moral, ethical black Democrat! Right?
1 comment:
I understand that people have strong feelings about birth control, gay marriage, abortion and other issues that go against their religious teachings. I appreciate Dobson’s feelings re McCain’s bad temper, cheating on his first wife, somewhat flexible morals and ethics, etc. I even understand and appreciate that such things should be considered when voting for a President. What I do not understand however, is how they become the dominant issue. We are facing some pretty serious problems as a nation. We are still engaged in two wars that are costing lives and money, we cannot afford to spare. Our economy is hurting the vast majority of our people. Our environment is at best, a problem that could be terribly serious if not addressed quickly. We are still under threats by terrorists and natural disasters that can affect us all. We have an energy crisis that affects our national security.
These issues are important to our survival as a world leader and must be addressed. The moral issues will not solve any of those problems. Nixon was a nut; Clinton was the Devil; Bush is too many things to fit into a few choice words, but all affect the course of history more than the moral stances, good or bad of our candidates. You can pray for their guidance but all the other issues are man made and must be addressed by the most competent, not the most able to be your pastor or minister, Rabbi or even Imam.
Our system is broken and must be worked on. Who is best to do that might not necessarily be the best suited for national pastor but that is our issue.
Who will is best suited to be our next President? That is the most improtant issue we face. It is difficult to know what is in the hearts or minds of any public figure. Some have been a disgrace but effective. Others have followed all the rules of morality, as far as we know, but were ineffective. We need change and deep thinking in order to get back on track. Which man is best suited for the job?
Bob Poris
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