Now, we could understand his reluctance if he was asked to discuss his marital infidelities, or his record at the U.S. Naval Academy, or how he crashed five planes while a Navy pilot, or his ignorance about Sunnis and Shiites, or that he doesn't know there is no country called Czechoslovakia anymore, or about the 100 or more lobbyists working for his campaign, or his continual flip-flopping on issues--especially since he decided he wanted to be prezident.
One thing McCain is NOT reluctant to talk about is his Vietnam experience!
Again, from Steve Benen at The Carpetbagger Report:
"Last week, when the Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell, a close Bush ally, publicly questioned McCain's character, the McCain campaign responded by highlighting McCain's background as a prisoner of war. When Dems attacked McCain's healthcare plan in May, McCain responded by noting his background as a prisoner of war. Asked by a local reporter about the first thing that comes to his mind when he thinks of Pittsburgh, McCain responded by talking about his background as a prisoner of war.
"And all of this, of course, dovetails with the McCain campaign running multiple television ads talking about McCain's background as a prisoner of war, literally including interrogation footage in the commercial.
"This hard-sell wouldn't be quite so odd if McCain didn't go around saying that he's reluctant to talk about his Vietnam experience.
"McCain became visibly angry when I asked him to explain how his Vietnam experience prepared him for the Presidency.
"'Please,' he said, recoiling back in his seat in distaste at the very question ... McCain then collected himself and apologized for his initial reaction.
"'I kind of reacted the way I did because I have a reluctance to talk about my experiences,' he said, noting that he has huge admiration for the 'heroes' who served with him in the POW camp and said the experience taught him to love the U.S. because he missed it so much.
"'I am always reluctant to talk about these things,' McCain said."
1 comment:
This is not the McCain I used to like and admire. I honor his willingness to serve and his ability to survive as a POW. I do not like his method of campaigning at all. I do not believe that his heroism or service is enough to qualify for high office. If it were, there are literally thousands of heroes from WW2 to today. I respect all of them, even the ones dishonored by the swift boat guys that were so willing to dishonor one of their own.
Bob Poris
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