John asks:
"How do you not remember, or remember when it didn't happen, that you met Mother Teresa? Even worse? How do you remember, incorrectly, that that is how you adopted your daughter? Here is what McCain's campaign Web site used to claim about his wife, Cindy:
"'Cindy led 55 medical missions to third world and war-torn countries during AVMT's seven years of existence. On one of those missions, Mother Teresa convinced Cindy to take two babies in need of medical attention to the United States. One of those babies is now their adopted daughter, 15-year old Bridget McCain.'"
Avarosis reveals that the story is not true. "Mrs. McCain, it turns out, never met Mother Teresa on that trip. (Once contacted by the Monitor, the campaign revised the story on its website.)"
There's more to the story of Cindy McCain's involvement with the American Voluntary Medical Team - her own charity. It's an old story now, but perhaps has some relationship to the McCain's penchant for avoiding the truth.
It was while working with AMVT that Ms. McCain became addicted to Percocet and Vicodin and stole those drugs from AMVT, her own nonprofit medical relief organization.
Tom Gosinski was hired by Cindy in 1991 and served as the director of government and international affairs for the AVMT. During the summer of 1992, he noticed that Cindy was acting erratically. "In his journal, he wrote that he and others suspected the boss was addicted to painkillers and might have been stealing them from the organization."
The July 27, 1992 entry in Gosinki's journal reads like this:
"I have always wondered why John McCain has done nothing to fix the problem. He must either not see that a problem exists or ... not choose to do anything about it. ... There is so much at risk: The welfare of the children; John's political career; the integrity of Hensley & Company ...
" ... During my short tenure at AVMT I have been surrounded by what on the surface appears to be the ultimate all-American family. In reality, I am working for a very sad, lonely woman whose marriage of convenience to a U.S. Senator has driven her to: distance herself from friends; cover feelings of despair with drugs; and replace lonely moments with self-indulgences."
Cindy fired Gosinksi in January of 1993 claiming "that AVMT was having financial problems and couldn't afford him."
John McCain seems to be devolving from a true American "hero," to a stuttering shadow of inanity, as his past rears its ugly head revealing a tragically-comic old man, involved in a race which, win or lose, will destroy the myth he has so carefully created and cultivated.
You can read the full story by Amy Silverman here. Avarosis' article at Americablog is here.
The stories we are now seeing about McCain are sad. One does not enjoy seeing a hero become too human. I guess we do not like to look deeply when we find a hero. He is human and has warts, like many of us. Politicians do reinvent themselves and some have much to hide. It is up to the media to get at the truth and ;let us decide. His feet are made of clay but he has some good and bad. Weigh them and see if he is the best man for the job. Does he bring more good than bad? I think he is the wrong man at this time, so I will risk Obama and the Democrats to reverse some of the bad decisions made by the worst man we have had in my long life. At least Nixon was effective and did some good. History will judge which outweighed which. I do not want to risk another incompetent at this time.
Bob Poris
My name is Robert Fraser and i would like to show you my personal experience with Vicodin.
I am 27 years old. Have been on Vicodin for 1 day now. Found a few pills. I'm currently not an addict though I have taken vicodin in the past and I am certainly playing with the devil because I do like the feeling it gives me. Biggest problem, besides the addiction, is Insomnia. Tossed and turned for two hours before I decided to research it.
I have experienced some of these side effects -
Constipation and insomnia.
I hope this information will be useful to others,
Robert Fraser
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