Saturday, July 19, 2008

"Whiner" Gramm resigns while whining

Phil Gramm, the goofball primarily responsible for our current mortgage and banking meltdown, has resigned as McCain's economic adviser.

Phil Gramm, you will recall is the elitist Repugnican (silver spoon fed from birth) who had the unmitigated gall (god, I love that phrase!) to call the rest of us stuck in an economic sinkhole a bunch of whiners. We should, said Gramm in so many words, get off our fat asses and get to work! The only recession going on is "mental."

Don't you just love how these Repugnicans play to their base. That must have been music to the ears of all the corporate fat cats that rule Washington and the world. I'm sure it sounded quite different to the single mother with two kids working two minimum wage jobs just to pay the goddamn rent!

McCain, hearing of Gramm's "whiner" comment, determined rather quickly (for McCain) that he better take action for even McCain realized a lot of people might get a bit riled over the obtuse stupidness of his economic adviser. They might even think that if McCain should by crook get elected they'd get screwed one more time in the good old-fashioned Repugnican way!

So McCain "distanced" himself from Gramm. Gramm then apologized to McCain. McCain then told Gramm not to worry about it, he'd always have a job with John. So Gramm continued to be McCain's economic adviser. As someone said, "the two old comrades patched up their relationship."

Alas, it was not to be. Everyone involved must have sat down and had a heart-to-heart. It would have been fun to have been listening in. The end result is that yesterday, July 18, Mr. Gramm resigned from the McCain campaign.

He "whined" a bit while doing so, though. He said he was stepping down to "end this distraction."

Distraction? You mean that calling most of the good people of this country "whiners" and suggesting their economic problems are all in their head is a mere distraction?

Then Gramm said, "I hereby ... join the growing numbers of rank-and-file McCain supporters."

It's pretty obvious that Gramm is full of the old crapola - "growing numbers" indeed! Hey, by the time he's through, nobody will be voting for McCain.

Thanks, Phil!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once upon a time, we were asked if we were better off than before the current administrtion took office. We should have been asked that question again the second time Bush ran. Now we should ask it again. I think the answer for most people would be the same. it is an imprtant question for all of us, from the zillioaire down to the working poor. Ask what is trivckling down to you. It is doubtful that is is spedable.
Bob Poris

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