Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bush, Cheney, neocons, Israel, Iran, missiles, death

Bush and the neocons have been screeching about Iran for years. The noise has gotten louder lately. It seems that we are currently deploying a number of covert operatives in Iran, while at the same time threatening military action against that country.

We don't like their nuclear program. Pakistan's nuclear program - no problem. India's nuclear program - no problem. China's nuclear program - no problem. Russia's nuclear program - no problem.

And Pakistan, by the way, has basically told the United States that in spite of the fact we've given them billions of dollars, we can't hunt bin Laden in their country. The Bushites lied about that a couple of weeks ago, claiming U.S. and British special forces were in the Pakistan mountains searching for the elusive al-Qaeda leader.

Iran's nuclear program, which they insist is for peaceful purposes, and there's no evidence to the contrary in spite of what the Bushites pretend, is, so far as the prez and his neocons are concerned, cause to instigate World War III. And the John Hagee's of the world - those crazed end-times crackpots - are giggling through their triple chins, thinking finally, the end of the world, and Jesus will come back!

On February 25, 2007, Timesonline reported that several senior U.S. military leaders are prepared to resign if da Bush (you remember, Bush is the guy that ducked out on his military service!) ordered an attack on Iran.

Noise from the Bush neocons reached new intensity this past week what with Iran's supposed missile tests. But questions have arisen about these tests. While the Bushites claim Iran shot off seven missiles, it would appear that may not be the case. A senior military officer told CNN that the report of a new round of missile tests in Iran was bogus.

That's not all that was bogus. At least one photo of the missiles shooting into the sky was digitally altered. The photos are above. In the original photo, (top) there are only three missiles. In the second (bottom) there are four, and evidence of "photoshopping" in one missile is clear. It also appears that the photos of the two smaller missiles may have been changed. It's very likely that the whole missile test was faked!

One thing is for sure, the photographs prove absolutely nothing! But our easily-fooled media took Iran's claims and Bush's denouncements at face value.

The president of Iran has indicated today that he'd be willing to sit down and talk with American officials.

The Bush/Cheney team, not satisfied that they damn near destroyed the United States and the Middle East and most of the rest of the World, don't want to do that. They want to bomb, bomb, bomb! Well, actually, they want others to do their bombing, fighting and killing for them! Could this all be about Iran's oil fields?

In fact, Bush has indicated that if Israel decides to strike Iran, Bush will give his approval. Timesonline quotes a "senior Pentagon official" as saying, in essence, that "the president has given an 'amber light' to an Israeli plan to attack Iran's main nuclear sites with long-range bombing sorties..."

The problem with that, so far as Israel is concerned, is that Bush also said Israel can't expect help from U.S. forces and can't use U.S. bases in Iraq for support. What a friend!

This "senior Pentagon official" also said, ominously, "...the president is really preoccupied with the nuclear threat against Israel and I know he doesn't believe that anything but force will deter Iran."

My question is so what? Why in hell should anyone care what Bush "believes"? He lies constantly and justifies all kinds of insanity by saying he "believes." And he's been wrong about everything every time: he's was wrong about the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, the environment, the economy, health care, education...you name it and Bush has screwed it up.

Any country, Israel included, that gives the least bit of credence to this moron gets exactly what they deserve!

The problem is that all these morons are playing a game of "chicken" with nuclear weapons!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is sad that the world, including the US, seems to be pushing tiny Israel to bomb Iran to save the world but no one will help Israel do it or help if Iran attempts to wipe it off the face of the earth.
Sad!!!! Israel will do what it has to do to survive in any event but being pushed by anyone is sad.
Bob Poris

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