Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bush believes and you're in deep caca

Bush believes! He always says that. When he does, turn and run like hell 'cause you're gonna get

I'm a "senior." The doctors I see rely on Medicare payments. If Medicare payments are cut, these doctors are very likely to quit taking Medicare patients. People like me are then caught between that proverbial rock and a hard place.

As of July 1, doctors found that their Medicare payments were cut by 10.6 percent. Why? Not for any rational reason. "The cut was based on a formula that establishes lower reimbursement rates when Medicare spending levels exceed established targets." That is gobbledegook which says that the government decides "targets," and then cuts payments to doctors. It's all part of the Bushite plan to dismantle Medicare and other entitlement programs.

Congress passed a bill which would void those cuts for this year and increase doctor's payments 1.1 percent next year.


Bush vetoed the damn thing! He "believes" this bill would take "choices away from seniors to pay physicians." More gobbledegook!

Our prezident lives in fantasyland. Of course, he doesn't read newspapers or books and what he knows he learns from three or four "briefings" per week (Clinton used to do three or four briefings a day!) which last all of 30-45 minutes. So he doesn't "know" very much.

But he "believes." My God, does he "believe."

He believes our economy is "basically sound." That's what he said today, Tuesday, July 14, 2008, as we head downward past recession into DEPRESSION!

And, of course, he said he wants to drill for oil! But now he's not lying about how it will reduce the price of gasoline. He actually said, "I readily concede it won't produce a barrel of oil tomorrow, but it will reverse the psychology."

I wonder if he knows what "psychology" means or his speech writer just threw that in?

The funniest thing he said was, "I don't think the government ought to be involved in bailing out companies." I believe he really believes that, even as he urges Congress to pass legislation to cover the collective asses of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. My God, the only thing Bush believes the government is good for is to bail out all of his friends who have taken the taxpayers for a ride!

Listen to this from da Bush: "I'm not an economist, but I do believe we're growing." Sheesh. If he "believes" it must be true! Facts are stubborn things said "Asleep at the Wheel" Ronald Reagan, and Bush believes that, too. So, he simply ignores facts!

Finally, a word to Americans from da Bush on what "they" can do to help alleviate the energy crisis: "If they're not in their homes, they ought not to keep the air conditioning running. There's a lot they can do."

Oh, he wasn't done. He believes the economy is continuing to grow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is not listened to by a huge majority of people but he remains the President.
We have to put up with him untiel he is out of office.
Bob Poris

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