Saturday, July 19, 2008

Everybody's going "crackers"

(Photo of PZ Myers)

Recently, we wrote a post about a young man who attended mass at the University of Central Florida. He tried to take a consecrated wafer back to his seat to show his friend who had expressed an interest in Roman Catholicism, but was accosted by self-appointed "vigilantes" who attempted to grab the wafer from his hand.

People from around the world who actually believe that a consecrated wafer is no longer a wafer but the real physical body of the legendary Jesus Christ have weighed in on this matter, disparaging the young man and in some cases, threatening him with physical harm! Somehow they missed what Jesus said about turning the other cheek.

But that's not surprising as most Christians, I have found, do not make even the slightest attempt to do what Jesus said they should do. Why bother when you can sin like hell all week, go to church on Sunday, say you believe in Jesus as your savior, get absolved of your sin, and start all over on Monday?

The other problem is that most Christians don't have a clue as to the teachings of their Jesus. Thus, they don't follow Jesus, they follow the particular rant of their religious group.

PZ Myers is a scientist and a member of the faculty at the University of Minnesota. He's also an atheist, and decided, as I did, to jab these self-righteous Christians about the so-called "desecrated" consecrated wafer.

Myers, being a well-known scientist, atheist and blogger, has received numerous emails calling him every name in the proverbial book and also threatening him with physical harm! In a recent post on his blog, Pharyngula, Myers tells how his "words" disparaging the "body of Christ" have made him a threat to the Republican Convention to be held in the Twin Cities later this summer.

Thomas Foley, a delegate to the Republican National Convention from Virginia, has called for "increased security" at the convention because he's afraid of what Myers might do.

"On Friday the Catholic League reported that Thomas E. Foley ... has asked that increased security be considered for the event in light of Myers' threat to acquire and desecrate the Eucharist.

"'I just felt security at the Republican National Convention ought to look at him and his followers,'" said Foley.

He continued on saying that "What I think he has done, he's loaded a cyberpistol and he's cocked it and he's left it on the table. He may have set something in motion that no one can stop. It was irresponsible, a hell of a thing to do."

One specific thing that had Foley upset was "Myers' recent description of Catholic League President Bill Donohue as 'braying,' which Foley, a self-described Irish Catholic, claimed was 'a great insult for the Irish.'

"Foley said he believes Myers was telling his readers to acquire a consecrated Host at Mass, which Foley though would result in disruptions."

In my blog post, I said essentially the same thing that Myers did about the so-called consecrated Host. Unless you're Roman Catholic, it's just a damn cracker and it is literally insane to get one's shorts in a knot about it!

I'll also agree with Myers that Bill Donohue is "braying." I'd even say he's an ass and brays like an ass. Donohue is further right than the Pope! He makes Catholics and their church look like a bunch of medieval inquisitors!

What's really scary, however, is that people like Thomas E. Foley are making political decisions that impact all the people in this country!

Read more about "Cracker-Gate" and PZ Myers here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What would Jesus say or do about such carrying on? I suspect Foley would not be happy with the answer. I have no problem if people insist on believing things I do not believe. I do have a problem with their denying me the right to disagree or try to make me believe as they do. It is not the way our system is supposed to work. If they feel differently, they can find some place on earth that is ruled by their idea of what is truth. Off hand, I know of only states with Mullahs that do that. I sure as hell do not want to live amongst either the Taliban or Al Queda.
Bob Poris

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