Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Will of God Again

She's 25, the same age as her husband. They have two beautiful little boys. She is going to die in about three months. Cancer.

"... she's not afraid," says her husband.

She says, "We have a lot of faith that God will get me through this -- either way. If he wants to take me home, I'm ready to do His will."

They've done all they can. All that's left is the waiting. They pray for a miracle.

While not an unusual story, it is still a very sad story.

But there is no way I will ever believe that there is a god who is killing her to take her "home."

What kind of god would do that?

And if God can kill her, he can certainly kill the cancer.

Why doesn't he?

And if God can take away cancer, he certainly could have stopped it from starting in the first place.

So why didn't he?


Anonymous said...

God moves in mysterious ways, His miracles to perform Maybe he sent the doctors to cure people or maybe He didn’t. We will never know unless we wake up after death and find it was all true. On the other hand, if we do not wake up, we will never know but will have wasted the chance to have made a difference in ways only humans can do! What if one wakes up and on the way to Heaven, gets hit by an airplane or a rocket? Does that kill the upward journey or not? Same with the Rapture. While flying nude up to Heaven, what if a plane plows into large groups of flying humans? Their nude bodies distracting the pilots long enough to hit them.? Won’t they freeze to anyway? Does Heaven have a defrosting station so they can get fitted for wings and tested for celestial instruments, or are harps the only instrument allowed? When do they get clothing and when do they get flying lessons?
What if your are tone deaf and hate harp music? Can I get a record player instead? There are so many questions and so few verifiable answers.
Bob Poris

Anonymous said...

God moves in mysterious ways, His miracles to perform Maybe he sent the doctors to cure people or maybe He didn’t. We will never know unless we wake up after death and find it was all true. On the other hand, if we do not wake up, we will never know but will have wasted the chance to have made a difference in ways only humans can do! What if one wakes up and on the way to Heaven, gets hit by an airplane or a rocket? Does that kill the upward journey or not? Same with the Rapture. While flying nude up to Heaven, what if a plane plows into large groups of flying humans? Their nude bodies distracting the pilots long enough to hit them.? Won’t they freeze to anyway? Does Heaven have a defrosting station so they can get fitted for wings and tested for celestial instruments, or are harps the only instrument allowed? When do they get clothing and when do they get flying lessons?
What if your are tone deaf and hate harp music? Can I get a record player instead? There are so many questions and so few verifiable answers.
Bob Poris

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