Sunday, March 9, 2008

Gas? $4 Bucks a Gallon? Asks Bush

Gas is $4 a gallon?

That's the word from California.

It has finally dawned on Prezident Bush that maybe the economy ain't what it should be. On March 8, 2008, the prez said "It's clear our economy has slowed."

You think?

What a revelation! This from the guy who doesn't know what a gallon of gas costs! He must be reading off cue cards.

Mr. Bush went on to pretend to sympathize: "Losing a job is painful and I know Americans are concerned about our economy. So am I," he said.

But it's not the poor Joe out there who's lost his job that Bush cares about, it's the "economy." Showing the world again how out of touch he is, he said " ... we recognized the problem early and we provided the economy with a booster shot."

Sheesh! The government has no money! The government is so far in debt our ancestors will be paying it off in 3008! This prezident wants to take credit for borrowing more money to give it to taxpayers so they can turn around and spend it, which, he thinks will solve the problem.

Grab your rears with both hands, 'cause we're not only in a recession, but with Bushite leadership, we're falling fast into a black hole. 63,000 jobs were lost last month, and the stock market is slip-sliding away.

Now poor Average Joe just lost his job, and he's sitting home wondering how he's gonna make his mortgage and buy gas and groceries and the prezident, to reassure him, says that sometime in May he'll get a few hundred bucks which Joe knows won't pay off his gas bill, which the prez doesn't want him to do anyway. He wants him to go out and buy something.

Then, the prez grins that shit-eating grin and says we still need to cut taxes for the super rich, the fairly rich, and the modestly rich.

Don't you just love "compassionate conservatism?" What was the price of gas again?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He doesn’t read the papers and never had to worry about a job, a home, etc. The electorate was dumb for voting for a wastrel for most of his life. He was not qualified and it was obvious. He came out of his alcoholic and rug haze to become a governor and then President. We got what we deserved, except most of us did not vote for him but suffer anyway. This time the Dems decided to not count Florida and Michigan and we will carve up the two remaining contenders so McCain can fight better. He had Huckabee and Romney fighting each other and won by default. What a way to cast for President. Hollywood must have written this script.
Bob Poris

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