Thursday, March 13, 2008

Big & Little Brothers Are Watching You!

An analysis of web companies put together for The New York Times, explains in some detail the mass of consumer data sent to internet companies daily.

"The new analysis indicates that web companies are, in effect, taking the trail of crumbs people leave behind as they move around the internet, and analysing them to anticipate people's next steps. So anybody who searches for information on such disparate topics as iron supplements, airlines, hotels and soft drinks may see ads for those products and services later on."

Did you know this?

The executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Centre, Marc Rotenberg, says "'s scarier than you might suspect. We're recording preferences, hopes, worries and fears."

What do the web companies say? Do you need to ask? No problem! They have policies in place and consumers will be protected. Hah!

The problem is that the internet runs on data. The company with the most data on the most customers, wins. And that's because they can more effectively market products and services to those customers.

Massive amounts of personal information are being collected daily on everyone who uses the internet. Much of this information may be innocuous. But much of it may not be, as it includes your interests and preferences with regard to politics, religion, sex, drugs, modes of travel, or whatever you have searched for on line.

Information is power. Information is control. No one, at this point, knows how this information will be stored, identified and used. That's what's scary!

What might be the result if a particular anti-democratic political party or group gained power and obtained this information to use to further solidify their control?

And please don't say it can't happen here. Hell, it's already happened here! And like lambs being led to slaughter, we are ripe for further assaults on our freedoms!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a good thing that I have nothing to hide. For anyone reading this, please be advised that I have no assets or anything anyone would be interested in stealing. I live on two crusts of rye bread and rain water per day.I sleep under the stars and am penniless.I operate a foot treadle for electricity, too, so there.
I hope the FBI has logged this just in case.
Bob Poris

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