Friday, March 14, 2008

David Vitter & the Traditional Values Coalition

Isn't David Vitter that Republican senator from Louisiana who was found to be consorting with prostitutes on a regular basis?

Oh, that's right, he denied he'd been involved with prostitutes in New Orleans, even though the former madam of a New Orleans whorehouse said he was a client in the 1990s.

Ah, but there's more. It appears that Senator Vitter also patronized a prostitute in the French Quarter in the late 1990s. He denies that too, of course.

He did not, however, deny that he was involved with an escort service in Washington that the feds say was a prostitution ring. He apologized though and said God and his wife had forgiven him.

Unlike the governor of New York, Vitter did not resign and is still a U.S. senator.

Senator Vitter is, as you could probably guess, a truly fine Christian gentleman who constantly looks after the welfare of the less fortunate in our country. Even the hookers said so.

That's why Senator Vitter has sponsored an amendment to a bill being considered in the U.S. Senate called the Indian Health Care Improvement Act.

Vitter's amendment would deny funding of abortions with federal monies from Indian Health Services funds, "except to save the life of the mother or in cases of rape or incest of a minor."

Vitter's concern here comes through. He certainly doesn't think sacred federal money should be used to help an Indian woman have a clean abortion with a real doctor in a real hospital. Let her find some quack in a back alley!

Senator Vitter and his amendment are strongly supported by the Traditional Values Coalition. The TVC is one of the strongest anti-gay groups in the country and promotes an ongoing vicious campaign against homosexuals and all persons perceived as "liberals."

I wonder if TVC would support Senator Vitter if he was a homosexual instead of a heterosexual serial adulterer?


Anonymous said...

He also is backed by the diaper industry as that was one of his demands of the prostitutes that served him. Well, he is a devout man and that is all that matters when it comes to integrity, morals and ethics.Those that voted for him can decide if they want him representing them. In the meantime he is off the front pages. Bill Clinton is the only one that remains a target forever. Why?
Bob Poris

Amsterdam Escort Service said...

Every distinguished man would deny any of their involvement in prostitution, especially if it is not legalized in their country unlike in Amsterdam where everything is legal and freedom is very maximized.

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