Friday, March 20, 2009

Palin's pathetic pretense as governor - "Let 'em eat cake!"

Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska, is looking toward 2012 and she's placating her base - which, of course, is comprised mainly of the unwashed and uneducated rabble who eschew intelligence and common sense.

What better to please the most moronic of Repugnicans than to hurt the children and poor people in Alaska? Evidently, she thinks that will help boost her chances of attaining the White House in less than four years, even though the latest polls indicate that those chances are synonymous with the Titanic at the moment.

So, here's her plan. Reject 45% of the stimulus money that is supposed to go the State of Alaska! Yup. The gal who's never in her life seen an earmark or a piece of Alaskan pork she didn't want to sink her teeth into, is planning to reject a whole ton of money which would help the people of Alaska.

Typical Repugnican, you say, and you'd be right.

According to the Anchorage Daily News, "The biggest single chunk of stimulus money that Palin is turning down is $160 million for education. There's also $17 million in Department of Labor funds (vocational rehabilitation services, unemployment services, etc.), about $9 million for Health and Social Services and about $7 million for Public Safety."

While, some members of the Alaska legistlature want the whole ball of wax, (and they may be able to get it), it must be discouraging for people of good will in Alaska to have such a dumb-ass governor.

Why is it, with Repugnicans, the common folk with real needs ALWAYS get the short end of the stick?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Again the people got what they voted for and are willing to live with. She is what they have to govern their unique state, If they are not happy, they have laws to investigate her actions. Luckily, she does not represent any other states so only Alaskans have to like her. Her party seems to think she is a real contender for President, so they will have to live with her. Hopefully we will not vote her in as president. But we have made major mistakes before and then repeated them.

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