Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Muslim riots in Malmo, Sweden

Here's more on the Muslim problem in Malmo, Sweden

While I can't vouch for the accuracy of this video, I have read other reports which indicate that the Jewish community in Malmo feels besieged and many Jews are afraid to be so identified; in fact they are afraid to walk the streets of the city with any clothing or jewelry which would indicate they are Jews.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Again, the ignorant will get what they deserve! All immigrants to anywhere may have culture shock in a new environment. They might eventually add to the new culture, as has been done in t he USA for hundreds of years, as we melted into an American culture. To allow others to take over our mores is stupid, but our religious Taliban insists upon mixing religion with law, so newcomers demand equal rights. We then have to accept a break in our culture to allow religious law to dominate our secular laws. We cannot have it both ways or we will have the chaos the Swedes, the Brits, the French, etc are now having. We already saw it in California, with Muslims demanding the death of Jews and Israel and being allowed to incite violence against all that thought that not cool!.

After the Jews, our Christian wing nuts will the next victims, as they are so opposed to Muslim rules. Then who will be next? My guess it will be Catholics, then any small religious groups, then the secular groups. By then there will no ACLU; or the ADL, or other secular groups that demand separation of church and state as they will have been frightened off the streets and universities.

Read history and try to learn from it.

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