Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Pope speaks out on condom use

Now, if you wanted to know about condom use and its effectiveness or the lack thereof, especially in Africa which is rife with AIDS, where would you think to go for such information?

Of course! You would hike your bony little bottom right up to the Vatican, and there you would seek a private audience with his majesty, Pope Benedict XVI, known in a previous incarnation as "the Rat."

You would do this because you realize that only old, celibate men running around in dresses know about such things. So, ask God's vicar on earth. Go ahead. See what he says!

"Condoms are not the answer to AIDS on the African continent. You can't solve the problem with the distribution of condoms. In fact, it increases the problem."

There, from the mouth of God to the brain of the Pope to you! How exciting is that?

Except the Pope is WRONG! The Pope doesn't know what he's talking about! The Pope must have got his wires crossed and was talking with James Dobson instead of God.

Jimmer, at Gods4suckers, tells us what Rebecca Hodes of the Treatment Action Campaign in South Africa has to say about this misguided papal pronouncement:

"...his [Pope Benedict's] opposition to condoms conveys that religious dogma is more important to him than the lives of Africans."

Of course it does, but that should not be surprising for that is the way it has always been in the Roman Catholic Church, forever and ever, world without end, amen!

Jimmer points out that Hodes did note "that the pope is correct that condoms are not the sole solution to Africa's AIDS epidemic ... [but] they are one of the very few HIV prevention mechanisms proven to work."

That's misleading, though, for the Pope was not talking about condoms as being the "sole" solution. He was talking about any condom use.

Jimmer puts it rightly: The Pope's opposition "is part and parcel of the ideology of superstition and ignorance that we have been fighting since time began. The wilful disregard for actual life is a symptom of the need for the sociopaths to promote a belief that is only sustained by abject indifference to suffering which they have reframed as sacrifice.

"The Pope has in one sentence effectively sentenced thousands and perhaps millions of Africans to their slow painful deaths. Way to go Ratzi. You are the scum of the earth.

"Unfortunately, he is not alone. In the USA our fundies have the very same attitude and would have you 'believe' that abstinence is the answer. Many politicians agree and have voted to continue the Faith-based programs started by Bush. Our tax dollars [are] being spent on failure and ignorance."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Abstinence; castration; tying tubes; etc are all an easy way to cure sexual problems. After those people are removed from creating problems, we are left with the huge percentage that does indulge in some form of sex. They are the problem and if they are ignorant, they will go forth and multiply.

For those that sneak around having sex, condoms and education might reduce the problem of unwanted consequences. The Pope’s pronouncement will stop some.

We might consider demanding that schools, businesses etc go back to strict separation of the sexes, along with floor to head coverings for girls and women. We could castrate all male gays and do something to gay women to stop them from exchanging fluids or whatever. We could also work from isolated cells and avoid all contact with anyone not legally entitled to have the approved sex, whatever that will turn out to be after the religious tell us what is acceptable.

In the meantime, do your own thing to avoid mishaps and hope others will too. History tells us that sex is probably going to be around for at least the duration of the economic meltdown. So act accordingly. Please start without me, as I am happy as I am.

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