Saturday, February 21, 2009

Santorum the pretender

I am no expert on Islam. But then, I don't pretend to be. Rick Santorum, the theocratic, right wingnut former Repugnican senator from Pennsylvania, does.

Think Progress reports that Santorum gave a "lecture on Islam" at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. He bemoaned the fact that too many Americans know too little about the Islamic religion.

Santorum does not think much of the Islamic faith. He is afraid of the Islamic faith because he believes that Muslims cannot change or modify their religious beliefs and thus Muslims in the Middle East can never accept our democratic principles.

"A democracy could not exist because Mohammed already made the perfect law," saith Rick. "The Quran is perfect just the way it is, that's why it is only written in Islamic."

Like I said, I'm not Islamic expert. Rick pretends he is. He isn't, either. Or, as Think Progress puts it:

"As a self-annointed scholar of Islam, it's surprising that Santorum would assert that the Qur'an is 'written in Islamic.' It is, of course, originally written in Arabic. Islam is not a language, but rather a religion."

It is a wonderful thing that this character no longer inhabits the halls of the United States Senate.


Anonymous said...

The Koran is still written in Arabic, although many Muslims do not speak Arabic, which as many different versions. The written language is the same for all. Partly this is due to the absence of vowels.

Santorum is an ass.

Jim said...

It amazes me that Santorum has any followers. Then again, I'm amazed that any of the wingnuts on the right have followers, but I shouldn't be, should I?

In a nation that has lost its ability to think critically, most Americans will follow anyone that can whip them into a frenzy, and feed their fears.

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