Wednesday, December 3, 2008

White Supremacist elected to Palm Beach Republican Party seat

This from the Pensito Review.

Derek Black, 19, ran for and won a spot with the Palm Beach Republican Party. Black is the "son of a former Ku Klux Klan grand dragon ... and ... is now fighting his own party, which is trying to deny him his seat."

Defending Black is none other than America's favorite racist "and former KKK grand wizard David Duke."

"Derek's daddy, Don Black, runs, the oldest continually running discussion board for the 'White Nationalist Community.' When he was 12, Derek contributed to a kids page on Stormfront and today helps Daddy Don with his podcasts on the "Racialist discussion borad for pro-White activists and anyone else interested in White survival.'"

You may wish to send a note to the Palm Beach Republican Party, reminding them that what goes around comes around. Tell them they are a bunch of nogoodniks who must take at least part of the blame for the election of the idiot George W. Bush in 2000. Tell them that Republicans have pandered to the racist element in our country for so long that racists naturally gravitate to the Republican Party. Tell them they should keep Derek in their ranks for he represents a good portion of their base. Tell them they can't deny their dark and devious and evil past by pretending all of a sudden they don't want an openly-racist character to play in their back yard.

The original Pensito Review article and a humorous follow-up can be found here.

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