Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Godly morons and the Capitol's Visitor Center

There is a new Capitol Visitor Center in Washington, D.C. It cost $621 million. It is, according to McClatchy, "a grand monument-like building" of "marble-and-stone." It is expected to become a major attraction for the 3 million people who visit Washington, D.C. each year.

But there are a couple of problems.

Senator Jim DeMint, a Repugnican from South Carolina, naturally, toured the center back in September. DeMint is an ultra-conservative religious right wingnut who believes the U.S. was created by God and therefore he became upset when he saw that the national motto was inscribed as "E. Pluribus Unum" (from many, one), rather than "In God We Trust."

DeMint further thinks that the center fails to note the importance of the Christian religion in America's history. It doesn't give enough attention to "the faith of the Founding Fathers and other prominent figures."

Too many of the center's displays are "left-leaning and in some cases distort our true history," said this moronic congressman. He whined that the "most prominent display proclaims faith not in God, but in government."

Other Repugnican morons, such as Senators Tom Coburn (OK) and Roger Wicker (MS) as well as a Repugnican Representative from Virginia, Randy Forbes, also protested this utter failure to show America's trust in God in the center.

These idiots complained enough that those in charge plan to make some changes at a cost of $150,000.

The level of idiocy among the members of our Congress stuns the mind. Just when I think it can't get any worse, it gets worse. What's even more frightful is that these idiots were elected by the people of their respective states.

Does no one understand either American history or our Constitution anymore? Our Constitution and Bill of Rights says absolutely NOTHING about trust in God. It does hold up those documents as the basis for our government.

Can we have some sort of test which every person attempting to gain admission to Congress must pass before they can throw their hat in the ring?

The entire McClatchy article is here.

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