Sunday, August 10, 2008

Offensive Republicans in Florida

U.S. Representative Ric Keller, an Orlando Republican, represents most of eastern Marion County, Florida, in Congress. Unless you admire right-wing extremists who vote with da Bush on most every issue, you won't think much of Keller.

Not only so, but ol' Ric, like Bush and Cheney and McCain, fights dirty! Keller must be concerned about his primary opponent, Todd Long, for he has put out an ad that exemplifies the worst of Repugnicanism.

The ad attacks Long for his "minor" criminal past, and his problem with alcohol. In 1998, Long received a DUI and last year passed out drunk in front of a local high school.

While Long is not one we'd choose to represent any group of people for any reason, Keller's attack is just one more failure to deal with issues in favor of vicious, personal assaults. Long freely admits his problems, but claims to have overcome them, and is supported by some of Florida's ultra-right "elites," such as the loony Dennis Baxley, which, in my opinion, is another mark against him.

Bill Thompson, writing in the Ocala Star-Banner, refers to an article by Ken Silverstein at Harper's magazine which calls Keller a "true, unreconstructed, all-American family values hypocrite." According to Silverstein, Keller got involved with a staffer whom he married after divorcing his wife. That's an old story, and has no bearing on Keller's ability as a legislator. But Keller claims "righteousness," and James Dobson touted him as one who cared about "the biblical values upon which our nation was founded." To claim righteousness and live unrighteously makes one rightly vulnerable to an accusation of hypocrisy.

The problem is our nation was not "founded" on biblical values. Furthermore, Dobson wouldn't know a biblical value if it smacked him upside the head! Such language is a distraction to good government in the 21st century. Not only can no two people in the entire world agree on what "biblical values" means, but "biblical values" are irrelevant to today's world; unless, of course, you think God is telling us to attack Iran just like he told Bush to attack Iraq!

Frankly, neither Keller nor Long are worthy enough to represent the people of Florida in the United States Congress. Unfortunately, one of the two will probably be elected because it seems that most people in the district have bought the notion that the Repugnican Party is the "family values" party, even though the claim is a monumental scam!

Even more frightening is the realization that if our country continues to be represented by clowns like Keller and Long -- biblical and family values people -- it is unlikely to survive another four years.

You can read all of Bill Thompson's article here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back!!
Re Keller: He is what so many got when they voted without much thought as to who they voted for. If a candidate calls himself a Christian, he must be worth having as a representative. Some people get what they deserve. That is why we have elections. The problem with that is that not all Christians follow any acceptable form of Christianity and violate most of the principles of Christianity. We have many liars, adulterers, cheaters, criminals, murderers, etc all calling themselves Christians. They even wear a Cross around their neck or tattooed on their body to show that they are Christians. You can fool some of the people, some of the time, but be wary of self advertising. The largest religious group in jails in the USA call themselves Christians. That does not make them Christians.
Bob Poris

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