Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Stoopids and their paranoia

[Image from]

It is becoming more evident every day that the Stoopids in our midst really are insane. Paranoia defines them.

McClatchy tells how, in recent months, the "birthers" have taken a back seat to a more sick and disturbing paranoia, all of which is nurtured and fed by rightwhitewingnut crackpots on the Internet.

Here's some of what is being promoted:

1. Secret camps are under construction for people who criticize President Obama. In these camps the "criticizers" will be "brainwashed" into believing that Obama's agenda is a good thing.

2. Not only so, but government poohbahs are readying the guillotine to cut off the heads of the dissenters and plan to use their bodies for "parts."

Ted Gunderson is a retired FBI agent. He claims the Obama folks have put together 1,000 camps where people can be picked up and concentrated and that "the government has stored 30,000 guillotines to murder its critics, and has stashed 500,000 caskets in Georgia and Montana for the remains."

Then there's the fruitcakes at Worldnetdaily, all of which should seek immediate treatment for mental illness. Like Gunderson, they claim the guv'mint is "considering Nazi-like concentration camps for dissidents."

Yup. And Jerome Corsi, a man without brain or morals, is promoting this crap, claiming there's a proposal in Congress which "appears designed to create the type of detention center that those concerned about use of the military in domestic affairs fear could be used as concentration camps for political dissidents..."

And, don't forget the wacko, really stoopid, Michele Bachmann, who is worried sick that the guv'mint is expanding the Americorps volunteer service program in order to force all American youth into "mandatory service."

Bachmann, with her brain stuck on stoopid, says "And the real concern is that there are provisions for what I would call re-education camps for young people, where young people have to go and get trained in a philosophy that the government puts forward and then they have to go to work in some of these politically correct forums."

I cannot imagine why the other members of Congress don't break out in howls of laughter when this Minnesota moron gets up to speak!

Maybe all their brains are stuck on stoopid.

I could be that this is what these idiots are worried about: again, from McClatchy:

"... Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Fla., has proposed a bill that would order the Homeland Security Department to prepare national emergency centers - to provide temporary housing and medical facilities in national emergencies such as hurricanes. The bill would also allow the centers to be used to train first responders, and for 'other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security.'"

Hmmm. Allow me a bit of paranoia here: Hastings is black. A disproportionate number of people dislodged by Hurricane Katrina were black. It is likely another hurricane hitting a major city will do the most damage to less viable structures, which are often located in black communities. That means that these national emergency centers would likely serve more blacks than other races.

The rightwhitewingnuts are racist to the core. The dislike and fear blacks. That's why an idiot like Neal Boortz says Hurricane Katrina was a good thing for it swept away human "debris," which translated, of course, means "blacks."

Racism is vicious. Racisim is endemic in this country. And the racists, spurred on by the Repugnican Party (which is heavily infiltrated with racists), will do and say anything to bring down our first black president!

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