Saturday, August 29, 2009

The scum and stoopids attack Ted Kennedy

The lowest of the low, the scum and the stoopids on the right, including Rush Limbaugh, FAUX News host, Tammy Bruce, Eric Sanger, Wesley Pruden, Sean Hannity, etc., have, as a group of blithering idiots, joined in attacking Senator Ted Kennedy and his legacy.

Limbaargh argued that Kennedy was responsible for "the current age of hate."

Eric Sanger called him a "piece of garbage."

Andrew Breitbart, a Washington Times columnist, said Kennedy was a "'villain,' a 'duplicitous bastard,' and a 'prick' on Twitter."

And the list goes on.

Karl Frisch, of Media Matters, details all of this and more in his excellent article, "Storming Camelot: Sen. Kennedy's death brings out worst from the right."

You can read it here. And weep.


Anonymous said...

Kennedy did some awful things in his life. The major difference between him, and the people you list in this story though---is the fact that Kennedy tried to make good on his life. Kennedy reached for redemption through the power he held as a Politician as well as a member of a powerful, and popular political family.
He learned from his mistakes and tried to find a way to apply those negatives and transform his life into something better.

The people who are critical of him, want him always to be a bumbling irresponsible drunkard, because quite frankly, that is an easy target for the scum sucking dick cheese referenced in this post.

That means that they cannot weigh Kennedy's good deeds with bad, they must invariably focus on the bad only. Otherwise, how would limpberger and the like be able to *sort of "shine" by comparison? If they stood next to Kennedy's good deeds, and kindness, it would be obvious wouldn't it? That the turds have leapt out of a punchbowl to deliver stand up on the tee vee.

Kennedy may have been a drunk, but Limpberger is an addict. Kennedy lied at some point no doubt, but can Limpberger claim to have never sinned thusly?

I will say, I never had to listen to Kennedy on AAFEs radio go on and on about feminists and feminazis, while I did my best to do my job, while wearing the uniform and taking a ration of unwelcome shit from fellow service members who would have just as soon thrown me down some stairs than look at me. Limpberger and his gaping spewing maw personally contributed to a lot of misery in my life and military career. His words have a direct affect on people.

Kennedy got that at some point and did some good with it.

Limpberger hasn't gotten the sacred clue phone call yet. He probably never will. Its hard to hear that ringing over the sound of money piling up around his dead soul.

Lowell said...

You do have a way with words, Seeing Eye Chick! I couldn't have said it better, nohow!

Have a great day!

Bob Poris said...

Pots calling the kettle black. Kennedy did a lot of good and tried hard. He had his flaws and tried to overcome them. He should be judged on his overall life, not isolated incidents. Few live a totally good or bad life.

Anonymous said...

Amen Bob Poris---I be one of those people who have good and bad in my past. Wisdom is not gained from within a sinless bubble.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jacob:

Mr. Eugene Robinson put it so well when he attempted to describe Sen. Kennedy and the other Kennedys' as having a keen sense of noblesse oblige. Bravo Mr. Robinson. As far as those that want to throw stones, what did Jesus say about those without sin . . .

The Kennedys could have lived a lifestyle based on selfish indugence, but they sincerely care about their brothers and sisters around the world.

Noun 1. noblesse oblige - the obligation of those of high rank to be honorable and generous (often used ironically)
duty, obligation, responsibility - the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force; "we must instill a sense of duty in our children"; "every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty"- John D.Rockefeller Jr
French - the Romance language spoken in France and in countries colonized by France

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2008 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

And to those who to continue to worship power and money, e.g., Mr. Limbo and Dick and Ms. Pagan, all the great religions of the World preach love and peace. You three peas in a pod preach hate and fear. Hate Panels, come on? Is Death Book next to the VA Death Book, right next to Hilter's Book of Magic Tricks or How to Serve Man with mint jelly book at the Wasilla Library.

You blasphamize and preach untruths just the opposite of what great leaders of faith taught about the need for love, tolerence, faith, joy, etc.

Notice, they (the two male peas)are both getting to look a lot alike. Oink, oink, oink. I see an elephant with a corkscrew tail. Is it a griffin, is it an alien grey or is it just greed.

Please people of greed, get help at any church, mosque, synagogue. If your church has mass on Friday nights, with lots of black candles, beautiful young sex slaves convert before the Feds make like a real living nightmare.

Better to turn yourself in then get busted at the Palm Beach Better than the middle class clan next cocktail party.

Det. Kelly

Unknown said...

So, what's the statute of limitations on any criticism of Kennedy's legislative legacy? Those who disagree with his dismantling of the Bill of Rights will await your permission to discuss it.

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