Saturday, August 29, 2009

Kansas Rep. Lynn Jenkins, Repugnican racist

[Image from Yahoo News]

She didn't really mean it, she said. She didn't have any idea her words would be offensive. She was unaware of any negative connotations.

Ha, ha, ha!

Here's another example of a Repugnican rightwhitewingnut simply speaking her mind. Racist to the core, she doesn't even seem to be aware as to what she's saying.

Fearful of President Obama's policies, Jenkins said: "Republicans are struggling right now to find the great white hope [my emphasis]. I suggest to you who are concerned about that, who are Republican, there are some great young Republican minds in Washington."

Jenkins has apologized.

But, whether she knew what it meant or not, for a Repugnican Representative like Lynn Jenkins to say such a thing means she is really STOOPID!

Just one more stoopid in Congress!

1 comment:

Bob Poris said...

How do we get those that are less than stupid to stop electing stupid people? I think there are some Republicans with brains and who care about good governing. Maybe since the Limbaugh’s, Palin’s and Gingrich’s took over they are laying low or switched parties. I did.

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