Thursday, October 9, 2008

McCain refuses to answer AARP's questions

Maybe John McSame thinks he can win without the vote of the over-50 group, or maybe he thinks he's already got those votes in the can.

Maybe John McSame ought to think again.

AARP, in the September/October 2008 issue of the AARP magazine, offered the presidential candidates an opportunity to provide the voters over the age of 50 information on where they stand on the various issues confronting our country.

The article is labeled the "2008 AARP Voters' Guide. "AARP asked key questions about issues important to all Americans of each major candidate for this race. Each candidate was allowed up to 125 words to answer each question. ... The candidates were asked to check the support or oppose circles. The candidates may have chosen not to check a circle."

Here's how that worked out:

1. Priorities.

Obama checked that he would "commit to help end gridlock by working across party lines to develop and support common-sense, bipartisan solutions on health care and financial security.

McCain did not answer.

2. Social Security.

Obama checked that he supports a plan to ensure guaranteed benefits and opposes diverting Social Security payroll taxes to IRA's.

McCain did not answer.

3. Enhancing Retirement Security.

Obama checked that he supports automatic payroll deduction for employee IRAS and supports the creation of retirement accounts in addition to Social Security.

McCain did not answer.

4. Making Health Care More Affordable.

Obama checked that he supports subsidies/incentives/insurance reforms to make insurance affordable, and that he supports improved care for chronic diseases across all settings. He left blank the question of limiting Medicare beneficiaries' out-of-pocket costs.

McCain did not answer the question(s).

5. Long-Term Care.

Obama checked that he supports increasing consumer choice and control for people needing long-term care and that he supports improving standards and incentives for quality care, and that he supports providing family caregiving initiatives such as respite care.

McCain did not answer the questions!

McCain did not answer! This from the guy who's out on the campaign trail blathering about "clarity" and "candor."

I suppose you can't deal with questions for which you have no answers that anyone would support.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you still think McCain/Palin is best for you and our country, then vote for four more years. I will vote for Obama. I had enough!
Bob Poris

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