Saturday, March 7, 2009

Vitter and the Xtn Right Fight against Planned Parenthood

Go to any Christian Right site. Choose one at random. Chances are great that you will find a rant against Planned Parenthood.

The Christian Right (which includes the Catholic Right) hate Planned Parenthood with a passion that exceeds any lust they might have for gaining converts or any desire still left in their demented souls to follow their mythical Jesus.

The Christian Right has been bragging as to how their minions drove Planned Parenthood out of the Panhandle area of Florida.

That small victory gave them a taste of blood and they're back for more.

The fight against PP went to the Senate carried by the family values man hisself - David Vitter from the 19th century state of Louisiana. Vitter, the lover of prostitutes and Jesus, has attempted to remove all federal funding for Planned Parenthood from the 2009 omnibus appropriations bill which is currently under consideration in the Senate.

One wonders what the hell is wrong with these wacko Christian freaks who think it is Christ-like to deny women across the country much-needed health services. According to Lynn Harris, writing at, Vitter, representing the wingnuts of the Christian Right, is upset because, even though federal monies don't pay for abortions directly, they do, through Planned Parenthood, support the abortion "industry."

Harris says "no one should have to explain why it'd be a particularly bad moment to make the full range of Planned Parenthood services (including breast and cervical cancer screening) less accessible to low-income and uninsured patients. In fact, as Feministing notes, US News has reported that in these tough times, more and more women (and men) are visiting Planned Parenthood, many as their source of primary healthcare. Yet since the anti-reproductive rights movement sees Planned Parenthood as the veritable Death Star of abortion, it will always be a major, if symbolic, target."

So far as I can tell, Vitter's amendment did not make it to the floor. But Harris notes that the recalcitrant anti-Christ from South Carolina, Jim DeMint, has "filed an amendment (No. 649) to 'strike provisions relating to the Medicaid drug rebate program and prevent the implementation of a funding earmark for the Planned Parenthood Federation of ?America.' His goal: to remove from the appropriations bill a long-needed, much-discussed, technical -- and no-cost -- correction that would restore the ability of pharmaceutical companies to offer nominally priced drugs to college and university health cllinics and family planning health centers without penalty."

Even weirder is that fact that "There is no federal funding in this provision." As Harris suggests, perhaps we should "ask Sen. DeMint exactly how it constitutes an 'earmark.'"

How do these creeps keep getting elected to Congress?

Read Harris' entire article here.

Find out more about Planned Parenthood here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They get elected because the electorate is ignorant or they like the Taliban method of governing. They obviously do not approve of our Constitutional rights that protect even the minorities. They want a nation of religious bigots just like themselves. Of course they would not like it if a different religion took over or any that disagrees with them. I think diversity made us great and each group contributed something.

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