Sunday, March 29, 2009

Barack Obama's "power grab"

Some people are just freaking crazy! This asshole is worried that Obama is planning to "grab power." And do what? Become a dictator.

That is, of course, what you read on every single one of the rightwingnut websites, especially the christianist ones. We expect it of christianists, because they have no morals or values whatsoever. We might hope for a higher standard from someone in the national media. Oh, hell, that's right! Sammon works for FAUX News and FAUX News has no standards.

Bill Sammon is nothing more than a hypocritical, moronic talking head. He left the Washington Times to become a managing editor for FAUX News. That tells you pretty much just how black is heart is!

Sammon roared with approval every time Chimpy invaded a country, signed a signing statement saying he wouldn't obey a law passed by Congress, wiretapped American citizens with no warrants, renditioned and tortured our "enemies," discarded the constitution, etc., etc.

And he's worried about Obama grabbing power. Please! Go crawl back under the rock from whence you came!

Thanks to Video Cafe.


Grandpa Eddie said...

Another fucking hypocritical conservatard fascist. A power grab is ok if you are a radical right-wing-nut, but not if your politics are more to the left.

Bob Poris said...

He certainly is moving very slowly on that plus turning us into a Muslim nation, choosing only black people, giving away the store to minorities, etc. He will have to defer adding Fascism, socialism and communism until he gets all the money in the fed under his control. He has been busy and there is just some limit to how much even a Messiah can do on earth.

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