Friday, May 30, 2008

With friends like these...God help Obama!

Here we go again. Some moronic Catholic priest, a white guy, serving as pastor of a mostly-black Catholic Church (St. Sabrina) on Chicago's Southwest side, gave a sermon which provided several rounds of ammo for the racists in our midst.

Father Michael Pfleger, mocked Hillary Clinton's emotional reaction just before the New Hampshire primary in such a way as to make her seem like a whiny racist because a black man was "stealing her show."

Pfleger, a friend of both Jeremiah White and Louis Farrakhan, must hate Obama. That's the only way to understand such a incredibly stupid sermon. Pfleger has apologized, saying "These words are inconsistent with Senator Obama's life and message and I am deeply sorry if I offended Senator Clinton or anyone who saw them."

Too damn late!

But please, racist America, do not blame Obama for this clown. Obama's not even Catholic! He's not a member of this guy's church! Pfleger has not been on Obama's staff. Pfleger's a white man! And Pfleger was right when he said his comments were "inconsistent with Senator Obama's life and message."

Senator Obama, offered a statement in which he said he was "deeply disappointed" in Father Pfleger.

"As I have traveled this country, I've been impressed not by what divides us, but by all that unites us. That is why I am deeply disappointed in Father Pfleger's divisive, backward-looking rhetoric, which doesn't reflect the country I see or the desire of people across America to come together in common cause."

Unfortunately, in spite of those words, this incident will give the racist pundits on the right another opportunity to attack Barack Obama. We've already heard from Michelle Malkin and you can bet that Ann Coulter and Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly and all the rest of the right-wing extremist twits will work this one to death - because they don't give a damn about our country; they care only about their ratings, which, because we have so many ignorant, biased, bigoted people in the U.S. of A., they can increase with their divisiveness and hate-mongering.

And while we can be sure they'll continue to smear Obama, the fact is you can't blame the Senator for this one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I was growing up we had Father Coughlin, the “radio priest” from Detroit, with a national audience of loyal followers, condemning Jews and praising Hitler’s control of them. He was eventually shut up after many years, by his Church superiors once we entered WW2.
These guys obviously do not believe what they read in their Bibles. It can be assumed that Jesus did not hate Jews as he lived and died as one, as did his entire family and all his disciples. These stupid religious nuts do a great deal of harm. It is amazing that their parishioners and superiors cannot see that they preach hate not love. Or is it?
Bob Poris

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