Friday, May 30, 2008

White House continues to defy rule of law

(Photo of smog in L.A. by AP)

The White House finally, under pressure and a court order, released a Climate Report they were supposed to have released four years ago. It deals with the effects of man-made global warming.

The report is 271 pages long and tells a sad story of a potentially catastrophic U.S. future. As Andrew Weaver, a Canadian scientist said, the report is "a litany of bad news in store for the U.S."

Even more dramatic is the statement by biologist Thomas Lovejoy who claims the report " ...basically says the America we've known we can no longer count on. It's a pretty dramatic picture of all kinds of change rippling through natural systems across the country. And all of that has implications for people."

The White House pooh-poohed the whole thing. Sharon Hays, associate science director in the White House, wouldn't say it was a "bad" report, but rather presented issues that the administration takes seriously.

Do they really believe that anyone believes anything they say anymore? We know they don't take this stuff seriously. If they did, they wouldn't have sat on the report for four years, fighting tooth and nail to delay or stop its release! The White House is sinking so deep in bullshit that it's a wonder we can still see it on a clear day!

Here are some of the "bad news" findings:

Smog and heat are going to get worse and people are going to die due to that. Especially in cities like Los Angeles.

Water shortages are going to occur across the country.

Billions of dollars will be needed for new power plants.

Natural disasters and extreme weather will create increased death and destruction across the country.

The poor, elderly, disabled and uninsured are going to get clobbered!

Remember, this report is four years late. Does that mean the science is four years behind today's knowledge?

This is, of course, just one more example of, not only the complete incompetence of the Bush administration, but its lack of concern or care for the people of the United States.

One vital question is whether we're too late; whether we can salvage the situation. Another and perhaps just as vital a question has to do with which presidential candidate will be more likely to lead the United States toward possible solutions.

I'll give a clue: It most certainly is not John McCain, or John McBush as he rapidly becoming know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is more evidence of a total disregard for science and its findings. We have lost four years due to stupidity or cupidity. Is there no way to prosecute those that put politics or whatever motivation they had, for hiding this report? If no one has to be held responsible, it will continue under any administration that decides it wants to hide the truth. We cannot allow that to continue. We must find a way to make government responsible for its actions on our behalf. They are literally killing some of us with their actions that defy our laws or the spirit of them. If we keep electing such people, we deserve what we get, if we survive.
Bob Poris

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