The sleazebag, Joe Lieberman has done it again. Unstripped of his committee chairmanship after stabbing the Dems in the back in the 2008 election, the so-called Independent continues to go on his errant ways, unrepentant and unremittingly stupid.
Joe warns his "friends" he's going to join a Republican filibuster of any healthcare reform bill that contains a public option.
But that's only part of his deviant nastiness. He also plans to campaign for some (unnamed) Repugnicans running for Congress in 2010. Exercising his crooked, slimy grin, he claims to want the "better choice," even if it is a Repugnican.
Enough already. It's time the Democrats lowered the boom on this traitor to the cause of liberal democracy!
1 comment:
He is not a Democrat and I think he can be stripped of his privileges, if any, as a Dem.
If not, he can be ignored as much as possible and relegated to a back bench somewhere.
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