[Photo from here]
According to a recent poll, only about 57 percent of Americans believe that Global Warming is a serious problem. That's down from 71 percent in April of 2008.
It would appear that the broomsticks ["broomsticks" = Americans with the same size brain as Sarah Palin] are being influenced by the Beck's, O'Reilly's and Limbaarghers of the world as it is these creeps from which they get their "news," being, in many cases, unable to read and comprehend the written word.
Consider the fact that streets in parts of downtown Miami are flooded with several inches of water during high tide. Consider the fact that the huge majority of scientists around the world have discovered that climate change is occurring much faster with much deadlier effects than they had previously surmised.
Now, we must help the broomsticks understand that the changing change is not something a bunch of scientists dreamed up. Scientists don't operate like FAUX News. Their views are based upon an overwhelming amount of scientific evidence. Unfortunately, science and evidence are things broomsticks care nothing about.
Just recently, the president of the Maldives, Mohamed Nasheed, and his cabinet "held an underwater meeting to urge U.N. leaders to pass climate change legislation at a December summit in Copenhagen. The archip0elago has warned that rising sea levels triggered by global warming put it at risk of being submerged." (Time, Nov. 2, 2009)
The Maldives is just one of numerous spots around the earth in danger of disappearing forever. Already some leaders are looking at possible havens where their people may relocate.
The science is impeccable.
The broomsticks don't believe it.
The broomsticks ran the government for eight years under Bush/Cheney. We lost a lot of time. We may not be able to make it up. But we must try. Or millions will die. Thank god the Obama administration is moving in the right direction.
It would appear that the broomsticks ["broomsticks" = Americans with the same size brain as Sarah Palin] are being influenced by the Beck's, O'Reilly's and Limbaarghers of the world as it is these creeps from which they get their "news," being, in many cases, unable to read and comprehend the written word.
Consider the fact that streets in parts of downtown Miami are flooded with several inches of water during high tide. Consider the fact that the huge majority of scientists around the world have discovered that climate change is occurring much faster with much deadlier effects than they had previously surmised.
Now, we must help the broomsticks understand that the changing change is not something a bunch of scientists dreamed up. Scientists don't operate like FAUX News. Their views are based upon an overwhelming amount of scientific evidence. Unfortunately, science and evidence are things broomsticks care nothing about.
Just recently, the president of the Maldives, Mohamed Nasheed, and his cabinet "held an underwater meeting to urge U.N. leaders to pass climate change legislation at a December summit in Copenhagen. The archip0elago has warned that rising sea levels triggered by global warming put it at risk of being submerged." (Time, Nov. 2, 2009)
The Maldives is just one of numerous spots around the earth in danger of disappearing forever. Already some leaders are looking at possible havens where their people may relocate.
The science is impeccable.
The broomsticks don't believe it.
The broomsticks ran the government for eight years under Bush/Cheney. We lost a lot of time. We may not be able to make it up. But we must try. Or millions will die. Thank god the Obama administration is moving in the right direction.
When they start swimming here in the US, they will blame the government for not rescuing them fast enough.
It is like all those opposed to the government in their health care, complaining about a shortage of swine flue vaccine. Not long ago, Beck was telling people not to get vaccinated!
Can they make up their mind or are they simply so dumb they do not know how much good the government does for them. They can opt out and reuse government services if hey wish to do so.
If the morons who like to watch Faux Nooze are going to act like lemmings, where is that cliff into the sea? And why won't they just go ahead and do us all a favor?
Yeah, ask the people in the Maldives what they think about global warming, or the Eskimos who have watched the ice disappear. They think themselves quite clever, to imagine that nothing we do could possibly have an impact on the health of this planet.
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