Monday, October 26, 2009

Scientology - A cult of non-scientific fantasy

Scientology, a horrific cult, cannot bear investigation. Thus, it is highly secretive and extremely aggressive toward those who dare to publicly criticize it. It has nothing to do with science, and everything to do with fantasies that are unrelated to reality. Watch the video to see a how a typical Scientologist responds to basic and quite reasonable questions about it's fundamental beliefs.

You can read more about it here. Religious Tolerance has an excellent article here. Time magazine excoriates Scientology in this article here. One of the best discussions of Scientology is found at Rolling Stone, here.


Bob Poris said...

My late wife was a minister in the church of scientology; she was also an OT level 7, which is the highest one can be. I assume that is where Travolta must be. Anything above that was god like. We separated over it for awhile and she left the church. It is bad!! So far, over many years, they have used both intimidation and lawsuits to silence any detractors. They usually get their way and win most law suits, even against he Government.

My best friend’s brother, Phil Spickler, in Detroit was a good friend of Ron Hubbard’s at the beginning. He is the father of Mimi Rogers, who once was my babysitter, until I sent she and her little brother back to Florida for disrupting my home, while my wife was in Scotland getting her OT7

I would tread softly unless you wish to invite more trouble than it is worth. They keep a huge legal staff and have vast amounts of money to use to fight any critics. They have vast holdings in Clearwater now and are still considered a religion and remain tax free. “Dianetics” is still their Bible but they downplay the science fiction crap and concentrate on going Clear, which costs a fortune. They then get more money by going thru the OT levels, each of which is very costly. They still maintain a fleet of ships, manned by the Sea Org.


A World Quite Mad said...

@Bob, I don't tread softly anywhere. If I want, I'll tell them to go fuck themselves. They can sue me if they like. All they'll get is my student loans hahahaha LOL

At the same time, it ain't none of my business if people want to join a cult and waste their money and lives on it. If you're that stupid, you deserve what you get.

A World Quite Mad said...

Did you see this today? The French fined them for fraud LOL

Lowell said...

@ A World Quite Mad - Yes, I saw this! So, once in awhile there's good news!

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