Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Rush Limbaargh - The Fat Man Zings, Flails, & Fails

Media Matters has collected some recent derogatory statements about our president, Barack Obama, by the fat man, Rush Limbaargh!

As usual, these statements say more about this hunk of lard and his poisonous mind than they do about Mr. Obama.

For example, Limbaargh, angry because he perceived Obama was attacking FAUX News and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, said, "People are finally standing up to this little boy, this man-child president, whose primary -- I think his primary job, if you will, in life has been leisure."

And then, Limbaargh, caught in a trap created by his own stupidity, referred to a "college thesis" which he claimed Obama had written (a claim soon proven false). He said, "And this little boy in college, writing about [the Constitution] with utter disdain, and he still shares those same feelings."

It gets worse. Back in August of 2008, he made the comment, now referring to Obama, that "you can't criticize the little black man-child."

And who can forget his rant about hoping Obama fails, saing "[w]e are being told that we have to hope [Obama] succeeds, that we have to bend over, grab the ankles ... because his father was black."

And then, "in Obama's America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering."

And also, Obama, saith the fat man, is a "Halfrican-American."

The fact that the Fat Man has an audience is a vivid illustration as to the depths we have sunk as a nation and as a people.

The Fat Man is an uneducated, drug-addicted, promoter of self who distinguishes himself only by his eternal chanting of racist and scatologically outrageous nonsense.

He's also paid millions of dollars a year by corporatists whose hatred for our president and our Constitution is buried in a journalistic pretense that mocks the foundations of democracy.

Read the entire article (with links) from Media Matters, here.


Bob Poris said...

Yet the fat man continues to grow as does his audience. It is a shame. What has he ever done for his country? He avoids taxes; never served in any branch of the service, continues to divide us, etc. he is a disgrace but an element of our nation loves him.

Too bad

Green Eagle said...

This is a typical example of the projection that infuses so much right wing commentary.

After having themselves supported a truly immature character in the White House for eight years, it is not surprising that they have a need to claim that their opponents are doing the same thing, no matter how baseless and ludicrous the claim is.

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