Friday, June 13, 2008

McCain's not so open town hall meetings

A rightwingnut website got all lathery about McCain's idea of town hall meetings. This person wrote that "Obama gets credit for 'change,' but a lot of what he does is fairly conventional." Hmm. Whatever does that mean? He's a Senator so, yes, he does "senatorial" things. Obama's calling for change, but I'm not sure he's being "credited" for change - yet.

You can get a taste as to how whacked out this guy is when he says he thinks that "if voters really want a different kind of politician, then McCain is that man." Ha, ha, ha, ha. I guess McCain is different in one sense - he flip-flops on issues more than most other politicians. Otherwise, McCain reprises Bush in almost every way.

Back to town hall meetings. This from Gottalaff at The Political Carnival:

"After reporting that the McCain campaign held a townhall with Democrats and Independents, Fox's Shepard Smith admitted that the McCain campaign had done no such thing. 'We have now received a clarification from the campaign and I feel I should pass it along to you. The McCain Campaign distributed tickets to supporters, mayor (sic) Bloomberg, who of course is a registered republican (sic), and other independent groups."

In other words, or as the Washington Post put it, "Microphone in hand and surrounded on all sides by friendly inquisitors, Republican Sen. John McCain called on a man in the back row of New York's Federal Hall on Thursday night and waited for another opportunity to demonstrate his mastery of the off-the-cuff answer."

"Friendly inquisitors!" Hah. What is John McCain afraid of? Real people with real questions?

But there's more:

Oliver Willis reports from the McCain "town hall" meeting in New York City that those attending were all white!

McCain is really McBush. Following the same line, the same procedures. Just like Bush, McCain fears folks who dare to disagree with him in public, so the way to keep safe is to issue invitations only to "friendly inquisitors" at your "town hall" meetings.

Sheesh. He talks the talk but he just can't seem to walk the walk!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not much has changed in how oue candidates will campaign. It worked for Bush twice and might work for McCain.
Where is the media? Where are the TV pundits?
Where are the reporters?
Bob Poris

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