Friday, June 13, 2008

Bobby Jindal an exorcist

We'll be writing an extensive article about the Louisiana governor, Bobby Jindal, in the near future. But Jesus' General came up with a fascinating story that we wanted to share with you first -- partly because it's important to know what our politicians are doing in their spare time, but mostly because Jindal seems to be on McCain's short list for vice president.

Jindal converted to Roman Catholicism and like many converts, has taken his new faith to heart, if not to extremes.

From Jesus' General: Jindal has a friend who has been diagnosed with cancer. "She's obviously depressed by that and a recent suicide attempt made by one of her closest friends. She's acting erratically, and for some unknown reason, you smell the scent of sulphur whenever you are around her.

"Suddenly she collapses and suffers a seizure in front of you and a number of your colleagues. What do you do?

"If you're a liberal, you'll probably make her comfortable while one of your colleagues calls an ambulance to take her to the nearest hospital. The's the typical libislamunistofascist response--throw the insurance company's or taxpayer's money at a health problem."

But...if your the governor of Louisiana, by name of Bobby Jindal, you and your "colleagues immediately [begin] an exorcism by commanding the seizure demon to leave the stricken woman's body."

This was difficult as that nasty devil kept hanging on! "At one point Gov. Jindal and his fellow amateur exorcists had to physically hold the woman down so she wouldn't run away. Here's how he describes it:

'Maybe she sensed our weariness; whether by plan or coincidence, Susan chose the perfect opportunity to attempt an escape. She suddenly leapt up and ran for the door, despite the many hands holding her down. This burst of action served to revive the tired group of students and they soon had her restrained once again, this time half kneeling and half standing.'"

This time these agents of God were successful. "The exorcism was successful beyond anyone's dream. Not only was the demon eventually defeated, but Gov. Jindal reports that the woman's cancer was cured as well."

Sound like Governor Jindal should be in jail. But as Jesus' General suggests, if McCain hears about this he'll probably put Jindal in charge of "reforming health care."

Read the entire article, titled "Your Mother Sews Socks That Smell," here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Incredible! Has anyone checked this out as to the facts? If so, this man should become a priest rather than a Governor or hold any office.
Bob Poris

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