Friday, June 13, 2008

Voting God's way

You're a Christian fundamentalist and it is very important to you to find out the religious beliefs of the various presidential candidates, of which only two are still standing. What do you do? You know that most people running for president will say anything they think you want to hear, so where can you get the nitty-gritty, the truth?

You go to God Voter! Click here.

The really nice thing about the folks at God Voter is that they have figured out for you just what questions to ask and then have actually asked them. They have also ranked the candidates. John McCain, they suggest is of the Christian faith. The waffle a bit about Barack Obama and point to his "Muslim background," etc.

It's pretty obvious that Obama won't get the God Voter's vote.

But they don't much like McCain either.

To Obama they gave a grade of "D." McCain got a "C." Hillary a "C-."

They gave the obscure ultra right wingnut, Duncan Hunter - an "A." The only "A." But Duncan answered all the questions "correctly."

The questions asked of presidential candidates by the God Voters group include ones dealing with personal faith, e.g., "Are you a Christian?," and "How would you define your relationship with Jesus today?" There are ten of these.

The second ten questions are related to what one believes. "Do you believe Jesus to be God or the Son of God?" and "Do you believe Jesus was born to a virgin, died and rose from the dead?"

The third set of ten questions are the real lulus, though. "What is your position on a Constitutional ban on abortion, and why?" And, "What is your position on a Constitutional ban on homosexual marriage, and why?" And, "What is your position on prayers and Bible studies in schools, and why? And "If elected, the ban on what type of guns, if any, would you support, and why?"

There's more, but it is very interesting to note that these last ten questions have literally nothing to do with Christianity but rather reflect a rightwing political stance. It's all nonsense, for rather than expressing concern related to those things that Jesus actually said something about--taking care of the poor and the sick, not caring about material wealth, turning the other cheek, loving your neighbor and your enemies, and so forth--these wingnuts ask rather about phony issues they have incorporated into their fundamentalist Christian faith!

It's all very sad to think that millions of our fellow citizens are so lacking in understanding and commitment to the ideals upon which this country was founded. The people behind the God Voter Website obviously either do not know or do not care about the Constitutional ban on a religious test for public office in this country.

So, you have to ask, what is their agenda? Are they about establishing a government based upon fundamentalist Christianity? Is that what they believe their god requires of them? Furthermore, is it not crystal clear by now that a person's profession of faith means nothing; that we must always consider, not words, but action. How many politicians claiming to be sincere Christians ( that's why they oppose abortion and gun bans) have to go down in flames before the religious nutcases finally figure it out?

And what is the difference between Muslim fundamentalists who insist that governments must follow Muslim law, or sharia, and Christian fundamentalists who insist that governments must follow Biblical law (as they interpret it)?

We have had Christian fundamentalists shoot and kill doctors who do abortions, an act they believe their god favored or even ordered. We have a Christian fundamentalist president who believes God told him to invade Iraq and kill Saddam Hussein, an action that has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.

We have had Muslim fundamentalists blow up innocents all over the world because they feel it is their god-given duty to eliminate the "infidels" from the face of the earth.

Is there a difference?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These people are not interested in anything other than what they believe Christianity is all about. They used to think that God favored the US becasue of its values. Now they seem to think those values have changed and if we do not return to them, we can never know God, etc. I wonder what they think the rest of the world should do about suich thoughts or does God not care about them?
Bob Poris

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