Monday, October 19, 2009

Pat Robertson says other religions worship demonic powers

From Rightwing Watch.

Supposedly, some poor soul, after watching Pat Robertson on TeeVee, wrote in to ask the wrong reverend a question:

"Why [do] evangelical Christians tell non-Christians that Jesus [God] is the only way to Heaven? Those who are Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic, etc. already know and have a relationship with God. Why is this? It seems disrespectful."

Hmm. Does this sound like a typical viewer of the 700 Club? Or, does this sound like Robertson asking himself a question so he can give an answer that's been burning in the seat of his pants? I think if this was a legitimate question, the writer would have thrown the Jews in with the other religious groups. But Robertson wouldn't want to say the Jews worship "demonic powers."

Here's what Robertson said:

"No. They don't have a relationship. There is the god of the Bible, who is Jehovah. When you see L-O-R-D in caps, that is the name. It's not Allah, it's not Brahma, it's not Shiva, it's not Vishnu, it's not Buddha. It is Jehovah God. They don't have a relationship with him. He is the God of all Gods. These others are mostly demonic powers. Sure they're demons. There are many demons in the world."

"Jehovah"? Nobody who knows anything about the Bible uses that word anymore as it is the result of a mistranslation made hundreds of years ago. Yahweh is the usual term for the Hebrew letters.

Evidently these other "gods" (Allah, Brahma, Shiva, Vishnu, Buddha) are all demons! They're real powers, though, in Robertson's view. They're just bad, bad gods; bad, bad demonic powers.

Why anyone would listen to anything this moron has to say is beyond understanding!


A World Quite Mad said...

I didn't realize that Pat Robertson was polytheistic. He said that "He is the God of all Gods." Really? There are other gods? Sounds like a pagan thing to me. Oh, but wait... there are other gods in the Old Testament LOL

You know, that could explain the whole insanity with the three in one god thing they have going on. They can't say they're polytheistic, so they have to make their three gods into one. And it's true because they say so! {/sarcasm}

BTW, did you ever notice the resemblance of pat Robertson to those troll dolls? Not quite as cute obviously, but the similarities are there. >:D

Lowell said...

@ A World - You are quite right. Maybe he is a troll - in a suit.

Bob Poris said...

He should look at the numbers of people around the world that do not believe as he does. Can they all be wrong and only his version is correct? Someday his god is going to knock him down and send him to his version of hell.

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