Saturday, October 24, 2009

Christianist hatemongers in the U.S. Senate don't want no Hindu prayers

1 comment:

Bob Poris said...

What a disgrace! The guest chaplain said nothing offensive to anyone! He did nit mention any other god burt was calling on a supreme being. I was under the impression that most religions that recognized a supreme being, was delivering a message to one, we call God. He/She/It/ Ghost etc has many names in different languages and cultures. Just as there are many paths to Heaven, there are many names. Prior to English, our ancestors probably prayed to many gods. Jesus was a practicing, orthodox Jew. He followed the rituals, prayers, beliefs of today’s Orthodox Jews and would feel comfortable with the HEBREW language used in the synagogues today), the early Christians were mostly Jews and believed Jesus was the Son of God. After the Crucifixion, most went home to their tribes, villages, towns, etc and practiced their Jewish religion but with the belief that the Messiah had cone and He was called Jesus. Eventually the Christian Church was formed and added to the “Old Testament”. From that change came many Christian denominations, numbering in the thousands today. Which is the true word of God? In the 7th century AD, Mohamed had his new vision based more on the Old Testament with many additions. He accepted both Moses and Jesus as prophets and respected both religions, until they rejected his teachings.

For people to interrupt a guest chaplain is a disgrace and shows terrible ignorance, intolerance and prejudice of the worst sort. What would Jesus say or do under similar circumstances? I think we have our own Taliban right here in the USA. How do we blame the real Taliban for trying to impose their beliefs on their fellow country men when we have our own Taliban types trying to imposed their beliefs on all of us? In many parts of the ‘world, including the USA, we do live peacefully, side by side with others that do not accept our beliefs, as long as none try to force us to accept their beliefs. There are over 2000 Protestant denominations in the USA alone. Which is the correct one, or are they all correct…or even none?

Shame on those that disrupted a guest’s prayers in the House of all the people of the USA.

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