Thursday, October 15, 2009

Keith Olbermann - Worst person in the world, Glenn Beck

There is no one involved in the national media today that is more slimy and creepy and unpatriotic, and demagogic, and hateful, and moronic, and ugly than Glenn Beck. Let's hope Olbermann continues to hammer away at this airhead!


A World Quite Mad said...

You know, there's a reason why the Mormons are in Utah. It's because they got run out of every other state. They got run out of Missouri because the residents there thought they were a threat to democracy. The state of Missouri did not rescind a termination order for the Mormons (I'm not making this up BTW) until the 1970s.

The Mormons are really nothing more than a cult with more members (like much of Christianity actually) and the fact that they're touting one man/one woman marriage is pretty damn hysterical when you take into account that the fundamentalist Mormons still practice polygyny and the mainstream ones don't bother to condemn it. In fact, the only reason why the mainstream ones quit practicing polygyny is because that was part of the terms of Utah being accepted as a state. Seriously, they ought to shut the hell up and keep their religious beliefs to themselves.

Lowell said...

@ A World - Agreed! Again! 100%!

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